im为前缀表示进入英语单词 immemorial adj. 太古的,极古的; immense a.巨大的;极好的; immensely ad. 极大地,无限地; immensity n. 巨大之物,无限; immerse vt.沉浸;给…施洗礼; immersion n. 沉入,浸入; immigrant n.移民 ; immigrate vt.(使)移居入境 扩展资料 There is still an immense amount of work to be done. 还有非常非常多的.工作没有做。 An immense volume of rocks and molten lava was erupted. 大量岩石和熔岩喷发出来。 The benefits are immense. 效益是极大的。 I'd seen it before in people who held immense power. 我以前曾在掌握大权的人身上看到过这种情况。 I think our main feeling would be of an immense gratitude 我觉得充斥我们心中的将是一种强烈的感激之情。 本文来源: