公主日记 中英文影评

时间:2022-04-17 11:07:21 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
每个女孩心中都有一个梦,成为一个公主。 《公主日记》讲述的是一个纽约城里一个普普通通的女孩儿,突然被证实是一个临近小国的公主,而后公主由皇后奶奶调教为举止优雅的真正公主,并最终选择担当起治理国家的责任的故事。 真的推荐每一个女孩子都来看看这部电影,满足自己心中一个小小的梦。

Content abstract

Every girl has a dream in her heart, to become a princess. The princess diaries is about a an ordinary girl in the New York City, suddenly be proved to be a princess of the

Neighboring country, and then the girl became to be the elegant princess by the

queen's grandma s discipline, and finally choose to take on the responsibility of

Governing the country. I really recommend every girl to see the film and meet a little

little dream in her heart.

印象最深的台词却是Lily 的哥哥Michael 在最后舞会上和Mia 公主到了后花园,他问她:Why me ?" 她答:"Because you saw me when I was invisible." 多真切的台词,爱你,不是因为你的浮华外表,只因为真实的你。 Memorable lines

The deepest impression is Lily's elder brother Michael and princess Mias dialogue at the last party in the garden, he asked her: " Why me ?" Her answer: "Because you saw me when I was invisible." how true the lines are, love you, not because of your flashy appearance, just you.


My feeling of love

Sometimes, Falling in love with a person is just for an instant, for one thing, for a word, or even just a look, It is enough to light up your heart, You cant say clearly why you like him, but you

know he is the reason why you don't like other peopleand he can't be

replaced in your heart.


About the protagonist

There are many kinds of the beauty, Anne ‘s smile reminds me of a mainland Chinese star yao chen, the same mouth, the same bright smile, also because the smile let them into the audience's sight, also their Love experience is bumpy, but they still are so brave to face life, such a person, no matter in character or in the life is beautiful.


The feeling of the film

The princess diaries is a beautiful bubble in the heart of,every girl .Although bubble will be broken as time passed by, the water of Broken bubble still stay in the heart, only we make more efforts can we live better. Beauty is not given by others, but created by ourselves.
