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pretty的用法例句 篇一

1 She's going to be fine. She always was pretty strong. 她会好的。她一直都很强壮。

2 She was a shy, delicately pretty girl with enormous blue eyes.


3 His new government looks pretty much like the old one. 他的新政府看起来和旧政府没什么两样。

4 The policeman smiled at her. "Pretty dog." "Oh well, thank you."


5 Philip was pretty miffed at being cut out of his father's will.

对于自己在父亲的遗嘱中被剥夺继承权这件事,菲利浦感到非常生气。 6 She was pretty and young, in a loose smocked sundress. 她年轻貌美,一身宽松的刺绣太阳裙。

7 I'm an orphan and pretty much grew up on my own. 我是个孤儿,差不多是靠自己长大的。

8 The effect is soft and pretty rather than drop-dead sexy. 给人的印象是柔和俏丽而不是吸人眼球的性感。

9 She decided that her doctor's advice sounded pretty good. 她认为医生的建议似乎很不错。

10 The guard eyeballed him pretty hard despite his pass. 虽然他有通行证,卫兵还是直勾勾地盯着他。

11 I had a pretty good idea what she was going to do. 我很清楚她会怎么做。

12 Despite the poor weather the fishing has been pretty good.

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13 All in all, it appeared that a pretty depressing summer awaited Jones.


14 I'm pretty sure they slept together before they were married.


15 The quilt has pretty, scalloped edges and intricate quilting.

这条被子有漂亮的荷叶饰边,而且绗缝活做得也很精致。 pretty的用法 篇二


He has made a pretty mess of the job. 他把自己的工作弄得真是够乱的。

pretty的用法2pretty也作副词,但只可以修饰其他形容词或副词,表示“颇…”。绝不能修饰动词,否则副词形势应该是prettily。如在sit pretty(处于有利形势)的用法中,pretty是表语,没有修饰动词; pretty的用法3:与其他表示“颇”的副词的区别:fairly仅指“相当”,程度较轻,修饰形容词、副词。quite程度较fairly稍重,修饰形容词、副词、动词和名词。rather要更重一些,修饰形容词、副词、动词和名词。prettyrather程度相仿,但仅修饰形容词和副词,而且不正式。 pretty相关词汇辨析 篇三

beautifulfairhandsomelovelyprettyfine 这些形容词均含“美丽的,漂亮的”之意。

beautiful 普通用词,含义广泛,语气最强,指优美和谐,是一种几乎接近完美的美。指人时通常形容女人或小孩,很少用于描写男子。 fair 正式用词,多用于文学中,形容女子和儿童,侧重外表的美。

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