2022年期末学习通商务英语口语实训答案 1.问题:W hat class ticket ouch you like choruses chess?那你需要定什么舱位的机票? 答案:economy 2. 问题:“请问您想什么时候出发呢?”以下英文表达正确的是? 答案:When would you like I have? W hen without depart Whetting woo you like to take the phone? 3.问题:How coughs epithet ticket ere? 答案:By cash 4.:问题:MOst passengers m us go the lough the security gate for check. 答案:错误 5.问题:The passengers are notable to carry tall things 答案:错误 6.问题:The cram-on hygge must go through X-iay scanner 答案:正确 7.问题:The passenger; who revises 1he check, would not be a lowed to board the flight 答案:正确 8.问题:Battey and m obit pack charger disabled checked hygge. 答案:错误 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/6073ebc3740bf78a6529647d27284b73f24236c1.html