《英语口语实训Ⅰ》指导书 一、实训的目的要求 英语口语实训是英语专业一门重要的实践课程,其主要目的在于帮助学生复习巩固以及进一步扩大学生的英语词汇量,指导学生在日常生活中的各种场合进行强化性的日常生活英语口语会话实践,训练和提高英语口头表达能力,掌握各种交际技能,能在各种情景中进行恰当的、地道的、流利的交谈。通过实训,让学生初步达到用英语思维,能在日常生活中比较流利地用英语与他人进行口头交流。 二、实训总学时数: 60学时 三、实训项目总数: 4个 四、实训开设对象: 旅游管理1301班 五、考核与要求: 1、每位学生在实训前做好相关准备,包括书面准备和练习,每位学生均要参加演练。 2、指导教师在分组进行室内模拟演练过程中,对每位学生的表现进行讲评、评分,要求 学生演练过程中一律脱稿,不能依靠书面准备材料。 3、实训演练占总成绩的60%,学生在实训前的书面准备工作作为平时成绩,占40%。 六、实施步骤: 1、指导教师先讲授相关的词汇、句型,然后安排学生按相关内容收集资料和编写会话并进行脱稿练习。 2、让学生模拟演练情景会话。 3、对学生演练进行分析、讲评,纠正演练过程中存在的问题。 实训项目一 日常生活英语口语 (12学时) 1、目的要求:学习语言的主要目的是进行交际。基础阶段,首先要满足学生能够使用英语应付所熟悉的衣、食、住、行日常生活上各种问题。真正做到“学有所用,学则应用。”让学生养成一种在日常生活中使用英语进行口头交际的能力,同时也养成乐于用英语进行口头交际的习惯。 2、主要内容:Spoken English of Daily Life (giving introductions, making greetings, and talking about weather,asking direction) 3、实训类型:室内模拟演练会话练习。 4、交际任务: Task one: Role-play Direction:Three in one group. Act as classmates in a day's life at school. Task two: Discussion Topic: Living and eating at school. 实训项目二 校园英语口语 (18学时) 1、目的要求:口语交际语境致力于让学生置身于真实、自然的英语口语语境中。校园是学生生活的主要场所。本实训项目以大学生的学习和生活为主线,训练学生在校园这一特定的环境中运用确切的英语进行流利的交流。 2、主要内容:Inquiry about the major and the courses(专业、课程咨询), classroom English (课堂英语), schedule(课程安排),library (图书馆), hobby (校园爱好),associations and clubs on campus (校园社团), volunteer work (志愿者工作),Examinations(考试) 3、实训类型:室内模拟演练情景会话练习。 4、交际任务: Task One: Role-play Direction:Two in one group. One acts as a new student, the other acts as the senior. Make short conversations inquiring about the major and courses, schedule and teachers, etc. Task Two: Role-play Direction: Suppose that you are receiving some friends who come to visit your school, you go to the train station to meet them and tell them the arrangement of their stay. Write out the introduction to our school and show them around the campus, including living and eating, school environment, introduction to majors, students and teachers, etc. Task Three: interview and report Direction: Two in one group. Make short conversations talking about hobbies, associations and clubs on campus, out-of-class activities,courses and examinations respectively. 实训项目三 逛街购物英语口语 (12 学时) 1、目的要求:购物既是生活所需,也是大多数学生感兴趣的话题。通过本项目的实训, 让学生体会身临其境,“学以致用”,从而产生用英语进行口头交际的强烈愿望。 2、主要内容:Propose to shop (提议逛街); buying clothes, shoes, and groceries, bargain (砍价), refund(退货)等 3、实训类型:室内模拟演练情景会话练习。 4、交际任务: Role-play Task one: Direction: Two in one group. Make short conversations about shopping. Stating your needs, likes & dislikes, asking or stating suggestions and bargaining. Task two: Retell a story Direction: Two in one group. The first one group will tell his story of an interesting or unforgettable buying experience and the others would retell the other’s story. Ask students whether they have any experience of complaining about bad quality or refund after buying things. (tell each other’s story) 实训项目四 娱乐休闲英语口语 (18 学时) 1、目的要求:根据学生生活的特点,选取学生喜爱的娱乐休闲活动,在学生最常见的日常交际活动中强化口语训练,让学生即学即用,最大程度地开发学生的语言潜力。 2、主要内容:欣赏音乐、看电影、网上冲浪、郊游野餐、运动健身、 3、实训类型:室内模拟演练情景会话练习。 4、交际任务: Role-play Task One: Direction: Two in one group. Make short conversations talking about music and movies and surfing the Internet. Task Two: face to face Interview Direction: Make short conversations talking about extra-curricular activities, sports and going on a picnic, university life. Task three: Discussion The advantage and disadvantage of TV series and Internet 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/9ac8ad202b160b4e777fcf01.html