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Women Discrimination

The Phenomenon and Reasons of Women Discrimination

The problem of women discrimination still remains one of the most calling problems in today's society. Although the boom in publicity around the feminist movement has a little calmed down and the female stratification gets significantly less

attention than one or two decades ago, this problem still exists. Another trap concerning the female gender stratification is that it is often associated with the countries of the third world and the countries with non-democratic society. Although the conceptions about the gender and the degree of discrimination vary from one country to another, everywhere in the world we find an absolute predominance of patriarchy, a form of social organization, in which males dominate female.

Gender discrimination, or sex discrimination, may be characterized as the unequal treatment of a person based solely on that person's sex. This concept of domination is proved not only by observations of individuals, but is also assessed and analyzed by different kinds of research. When separate factors as wages, health, political rights are taken into consideration, the picture of female discrimination becomes very apparent. This kind of situation is much due to the widely accepted prejudice that woman's main functions in the society are childbearing and household work. Even when employed, women meet a lot of discrimination. For, example, it is displayed in the wages they receive, if compared to men. The recent research of the earnings of men and women on the full time position shows that being employed on the same position as men, women receive a significantly lower compensation. As one can see, the households headed by women, the number of which in our society increases, are at much risk of becoming poor. Millions of women throughout the world live in conditions in which they are deprived of their basic human rights for no other reason than their gender.

According to Inter Press Service, "On a global scale, women cultivate more

than half of all the food that is grown. In sub-Saharan Africa and the Caribbean, they produce up to 80 percent of basic foodstuffs. In Asia, they account for around 50 percent of food production. In Latin America, they are mainly engaged in subsistence farming, horticulture, poultry and raising small livestock." Yet women often get little recognition for that. In fact, many go unpaid. It is very difficult for these women to get the financial resources required to buy equipment etc, as many societies still do not accept, or realize, that there is a change in the "traditional" roles.

Reasons for such disparity include the fact that women are generally

underpaid and because they often perform low-status jobs, compared to men. UNICEF notes that the data isn't always perfect, and that generalizations can hide wider fluctuations. However, in developing nations and in most industrialized nations, men are usually paid more than their female counterparts in the same field. Wage discrimination is also prevalent in the U.S. As noted earlier, women today are paid only 72 cents for every dollar a man earns.

History During the early years of these countries, women were not entitled

to the same rights and privileges as men. Women were not allowed to vote and were usually required to surrender control of their property to their husband upon marriage. Moreover, their educational and occupational opportunities were severely limited. It was commonly believed that a woman's place was in the home, raising children and tending to domestic affairs. Furthermore, a creditor is barred from requiring a married woman to apply for credit in her spouse's name. Discrimination in Education: Access to Educational Opportunities Women college students have traditionally been denied access to the educational opportunities offered by all-male, military-oriented institutions of higher learning.

The realization of women's rights is a global struggle based on universal

human rights and the rule of law. It requires all of us to unite in solidarity to end traditions, practices, and laws that harm women. It is a fight for freedom to be fully and completely human and equal without apology or permission. Ultimately, the struggle for women's human rights must be about making women's lives matter everywhere all the time. In practice, this means taking action to stop discrimination. Female oppression is still a problem worldwide, and it needs more attention from the side of national governments and the worlds publicity.
