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【期刊名称】《东南大学学报(自然科学版)》 【年(),期】2017(047)0z1

【摘 要】针对移动社交网络(mobile social network,MSN)中节点连接的间断性和资源的有限性问题,提出一种基于朋友圈的路由机制,以快速高效地实现数据路由.以园区型MSN为应用场景,首先提出了基于核心边和阈值的朋友圈构造算法,将网络划分成联系紧密的重叠朋友圈结构;所提机制采用单副本模型,引入萤火虫智能优化算法,利用其趋光行为和随机扰动行为在朋友圈内部和朋友圈之间智能地选择中继节点,从而进行高效的消息路由.仿真结果表明,与直接投递路由、先知路由以及社区感知机会路由相比,该机制显著提高了消息交付率,平均跳数较少,降低了网络开销及平均延迟,具有较好的性能.%Aiming at the discontinuity connection among nodes and the limitation of resources in mo-bile social network(MSN), a routing mechanism based on friend group is proposed to implement data routing quickly and efficiently.First,under the application scenario of a campus MSN,a friend group construction algorithm based on core edge and threshold is proposed,and the network is divid-ed into some

overlapping friend groups that are closely linked.The single copy model is adopted, and firefly intelligent optimization algorithm is introduced in the proposed mechanism,which utilizes the phototropic behavior and stochastic disturbance behavior to intelligently select relay nodes, thus conducting efficient message routing within and among the friend

groups.Simulation results show that,compared with the mechanisms of direct delivery routing,prophet routing,and community-aware opportunity routing,the proposed mechanism can improve the message delivery probability with less average hops,and reduce network overhead and average delay,providing a better performance. 【总页数】6(P53-58)

【作 者】陈琪;王兴伟;王学毅;黄敏


【正文语种】 【中图分类】TP393.0 【相关文献】

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