the end of life林语堂英语读后感
the end of life林语堂英语读后感 Lin Yutang,林语堂(1895-1976),Chinese philologist and author.His My Country and My People has won for him both in America and England the reputation of being one of the ablest interpreters of China and her civilization. In the general survey of Chinese art and Chinese life,the conviction must have been forced upon us that the Chinese are past masters in the art of living.There is a certain whole-hearted concentration on the material life,a certain zest in living,which is mellower,perhaps deeper,anyway just as intense as in the West. In China the spiritual values have not been separated from the material values,but rather help man in a keener enjoyment of life as it falls to our lot.This accounts for our joviality and our incorrigible humor. A heathen can have a heathenish devotion to the life of the present and envelop both spiritual and material values in one outlook,which it is difficult for a Christian to imagine. We live the life of the senses and the life of the spirit at the same moment,and see no necessary conflict.For the human spirit is used to beautify life,to extract its essence,perhaps to help it overcome ugliness and pain inevitable in the world of our senses,but never to escape from it and find its meaning in a life hereafter. When Confucius said in reply to a question by a disciple on death,“Don't know life—how know death?”he expressed there a somewhat bourgeois,unmetaphysical and practical attitude toward the problems of life and knowledge which has characterized our national life and thinking. 这一立场为我们树立了多层级的价值尺度。这种生活标准适用于知识和人生的方方面面,解释了我们喜好与憎恶某一事物的原因。这种生活标准已经融入我们的民族意识,不需要任何文字上的说明、界定或阐释。我认为也正是这种生活标准促使我们在艺术、人生和文学中本能地怀疑城市文明,而崇尚田园理想;促使我们在理智的时刻厌恶宗教,涉猎佛学但从不完全接受其合乎逻辑的结论;促使我们憎恶机械发明。正是这种对于生活的本能信仰,赋予我们一种坚定的常识,面对生活的万千变化以及智慧的无数棘手问题,可以做到岿然不动。它使我们能够沉着地、完整地看待生活,并维系固有的价值观念。它也教会了我们一些简单的智慧,比如尊敬老人,享受家庭生活的乐趣,接受生活,接受性别差异,接受悲哀。 它使我们注重这样几种寻常的美德:忍耐、勤劳、节俭、中庸与和平主义。它使我们不至于发展某些怪异极端的理论,不至于成为自己智慧产品的奴隶。它赋予我们一种价值观,教会我们同时接受生活给予我们的物质和精神财富。 它告诉人们:归根结底,只有人类的幸福才是一切知识的最终目标。于是我们得以在命运的浮沉中调整自己,欣欣然生活在这个行星之上。 本文来源: