
时间:2022-07-16 12:49:45 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


1. I enjoy __________ (read) English in the morning.

2. My friends ask for advice about _____________ (improve) their English. 3. It takes me a long time __________ (watch) the TV play. 4. It’s a good way __________ (learn) English.

5. Try ______________ (remember) these words, please. 6. Im afraid your __________ (translate) is not correct.

7. You can buy ___________ (you) what you like with the money.

8. Lu Xun is a famous writer and ___________ (write) is a part of his life. 9. Please send my best ___________ (wish) to your parents. 10. You should pay attention to your ___________ (spell).

11. They are all wonderful. I can’t decide which one ___________ (choose).

12. Why not _______ (play) football with us? 13. It’s not easy for him _____ (do) this work. 14. English can help us ______________ (understand) many new books and movies.

15. What about ________ (go) to the zoo with me? 16. I enjoy_______ (learn) English. 17. ____ you ________ (finish) your homework last night? 18. Listen! Who ___________ (sing) a song downstairs.

19. My grandmother _____________ (be) eighty years old next year.

20. Doing morning exercises ______ (be) good for your health. 21. I ___________ (read) this novel twice. 22. _____ your parents ever _________ (travel) to Europe? 23. They _________ (visit) Beijing before. 24. I have already ________(finish) my homework. 25. She _________ ( not ride) a horse yet. 26. The people in Sichuan have got __________ (billion) of money to rebuild their homes. 27. The police discovered some _________ (secret) in the man’s diary. 28 Have you listened to the _________(late) songs by Liu Dehua?

29. I have three _________(part) of the book. But where is the last part?

30. The Chinese people _____ (show)national cohesion(民族凝聚力)to the world during the earthquake in Wenchuan. 31. Lucy has finished ___________ (make) the model of the space station. 32. ---John, have you ___________ (return) my ruler? ---Not yet. 33. It’s useful for people _________ (take) care of the environment.

34. Are you ____________ (interest) in the job? 35. I got the ______ (late) news just now. 36. I ___________ (visit) the Great Wall two years ago.

37. ---____ he ________ (be) to New York? ---No, he __________ (not be) there yet. 38. My father ____ just _________ (come) back from work.

39. ---Where’s Li Ming? --- He ___________ (go) to the teacher’s office.

40. So far I __________ (make) quite a few friends here. 41. ____ she ________(buy) a present yesterday? 42. ---How long ______ the Wangs _________(stay) here? --- For two weeks. 43. I ____________ (work) here since I _______(move) here in 2000.

44. The school _____ (raise) 2 billion yuan to built the library since 2003. 45. In the five villages, Duncun is _____ (poor). 46. John _____ __ (teach) English for nearly 10 years.

47. _____ (luck), we finally got the chance to enter the competition. 48. The five new _____ (project) will begin in October at the same time. 49. What kind of music do the two __________ (German) like? 50. Young children prefer __________ (live) songs to serious ones.



51. Could you turn down your radio, please? Its too ________ (noise). 52. She often teach her ________ (old) daughter to dance at home. 53. The manager has made lots of _________recordfor Alice. 54. Tony ___________ (not like) pop music, does he?

55. I like pop. It’s lively and good ___________ (dance) to. 56.There were two composers _____ (call) Johann Strauss.

57. Mozart _____________(die) for many years. 58. He __________ (be) a teacher since 1992. 59. He ___________suddenremembered that he didn’t do his homework last night. 60. The students stopped ___________(talk) wehn the teacher came in.

61. I saw my dog ___________(go) across the busy street when I got on the bus.

62. Someone _______________ (carry) the boxes into the room at eight yesterday morning. 63. We ______________ (clap) hands while they were performing the story on the stage.


1. At the age of 20, he joined the army. (改为同义句) _____ ___ ____ 20, he joined the army. 2. Your father was born in 1948, __________?(完成反意疑问句)

3. Strauss was famous for his waltzes. (改为同义句) Strauss’ waltzes _____ ____ _______. 4. I can play the violin. Tom can play the violin, too.(改写为同义句) ____ ____ I ____ ____ Tom can play the violin.

5. Many people went to Qingdao to enjoy the beautiful sea.(就划线部分提问) ______ ___ many people____ to enjoy the beautiful sea?

6. The price of the dictionary is 50 yuan. (就划线部分提问)____ ___ the price of the dictionary? 7. I want to travel around the world. (改为同义句) I want to travel ____ _____ the world. 8. I sent her a DVD. (改为否定句) I ______ ____ her a DVD.

9. He has ever visited New York. (改为一般疑问句) ____ he ever ______ New York?

10 She has already been to Hong Kong. (改为否定句) She ______ _____ to Hong Kong ____. 11.All of the boys like basketball. (改为否定句) _____ __ the boys ________ basketball. 12. People haven’t visited the Sun because it’s too hot.(对划线部分提问) _____ _______ people visited the Sun?

13. I like swimming better than skiing. (改为同义句) I ______ swimming ____ skiing. 14. I arrived in America yesterday. (改为同义句) I _______ America yesterday. 16. I have studied English for about one year.(就划线部分提问) ____ ____ have you _____ English?

17. I have known her since 1989.(改为一般疑问句) _____ ____ ______ her since 1989? 18.Mike’s home isn’t the same as Tom’s.(改为同义句) Mike’s home is ______ _____ Tom’s. 19. To eat more vegetables is important.(用it作主语改写句子)__ __ __ to eat more vegetables. 20. have, you, Chinese, how long, studied(连词成句) _________________________________ 21. He was cooking when I came in. (改为否定句) He ______ _______ when I came in. 22. They were watching TV at eight last night. (就划线部分提问) _____ _____ they ______ at eight last night?

23. There’s nothing wrong with my bike. (该为同义句) There ____ ____ _____ with my bike. 24. She saw a book on the desk. (完成反意疑问句) She saw a book on the desk,_____ ____? 25. There are over fifty people in the hall. (同义句) There are ____ ____ fifty people in the hall. 26. Can you show your photos to me? (同义句) Can you show ___ _____ ______?



27. I spent two hours finishing my Homework.(同义句) It __ ___ two hours __ ___ my homework. 28. Finally we arrived at the station. (同义句)

Finally we ____ ___ the station. Finally we _______ the station.

三.完成下列反意疑问句。 1. You like rock music, _________? 2. They sing well, __________? 9. This music isn’t very popular, _____? 3. He has written ten new songs this year, 10. He has a lot of CDs, _________? __? 11. He is in Class One,_______? 4. He wrote traditional music, ________? 12. You don’t speak English,_______? 5. She was a musician, _________? 13. They have been to China?___________? 6. We can practise after school, ________? 14. Your uncle didn’t return 7. You don’t like this song much, ______? yesterday,_____? 8. They have never been to any concert, __? 15. There are ten pandas in the zoo,______? . 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。

1. 刚才我看见汤姆很快地穿过街道。 I saw Tom _____ _____ the street just now. 2. 昨天晚上家里的灯突然停了。 Suddenly, the lights in the house ____ ____yesterday evening. 3. 在书店看书时一个漂亮的女孩向我微笑。

A beautiful girl _____ _____ me while I was reading in the bookshop.

4. 别担心,这儿没什么可奇怪的。 Don’t worry. There is _____ _____ here. 5. 我要考虑一下你的建议,明天给你答复。

I'll _____ _____ your suggestion and give you an answer tomorrow.

6. 宇宙中还有别的什么东西吗? What __________ is there in the ________? 8. 学生们在干什么? What are the students________ ________ 7. 刘老师去北京出差了,还没回来呢。

Mr Liu has_______ to Beijing ______ and he hasn’t come back ______ . 9. 人不能在其他行星上生存,因为那儿没有空气。

People can’t ________ in other________ because there is no air. 10. 我们最近在太阳系以外发现其他的生命了么?

Have we discovered any lives _______ the solar system _______?

11. 他和他父亲一直住在北京。 He lived in Beijing with his father _______ ______ _______. 12. 托尼喜欢看英文电影,听英文广播。

Tony _______ ________ English films and ________ ________the radio in English. 13. 我们应该互相帮助。 We should help ________ ________. 14. 深呼吸,这样会使你感觉舒服些。

_______ ________ _______ ______, and it will make you feel comfortable. 15. 对于大明来说,学好语法很难。

_______very difficult_______ Daming ________ _______ grammar well.

16. 她昨天带领我们参观了学校图书馆。 She ________ us _______ the school library yesterday.

17. 他五岁时开始学习拉小提琴。 He began to play the violin ______ ______ ______ _______ 18. 你认为她究竟会在哪里呢? Do you know where _____ _____ she can be? 19. 你认识一位名叫谭盾的中国作曲家吗? Do you know a ______ ______ ______ Tan Dun? 20. —萨姆,我可以看一下你的全家福吗? —当然可以。

Could I have a look at your familys photo, Sam? _____ _____ you can.




1. My cousin is a ______ girl. She is afraid of speaking in front of many people. A. friendly B. polite C. shy D. helpful

2. Your spoken English is really______. —Thanks. It’s very nice of you to say so. A. deep B. excellent C. basic D. difficult 3. She tried ______, but she found it difficult.

A. not to worrying B. to not worry C. not to worry D. to worry not 4. —What’s your plan for the coming weekend? ______ go to fly kites? A. Why not to B. Why don’t C. Why don’t we D. How about

5. —Don’t forget their address and telephone number. I will _____ in my notebook. A. write them down B. write it down C. write down it D. write down them 6. May I ______ your dictionary? Sorry, I ______ it at home.

A. borrow; forgot B. borrow; left C. lend; forgot D. lend; left 7. —Don’t forget ______ your dictionary here tomorrow. —OK. I won’t. A. taking B. to take C. bringing D. to bring

8. The boy went to the teachers’ office to __ his teacher __ advice about improving his maths. A. ask; for B. talk; about C. speak; to D. place; in 9. What he said ______ me ______yesterday.

A. make; sad B. makes; sadly C. made; sad D. made; sadly 10. How about visiting the museum with me this afternoon? _____. A. That’s right B. Good idea C. Good luck D. Best wishes 11. _____ Earth we live on is bigger than _____ moon.

A. The; the B. A; a C. The; an D. An; the

12. Miss Smith isn’t at home. She _____ Shanghai on business. She will be back tomorrow. A. went B. has gone to C. has been to D. will go to 13. My friends and I are interested in drawing, but _____ of us is good at it. A. other B. both C. none D. any 14. People can’t live without or water.

A. air B. paper C. fruit D. tree 15. There are ______ stars in the sky and we cant count out.

A. very much B. very many C. so many D. so much 16. This pair of shoes is too expensive. Can you _____ me the pair over there, madam? A. make B. send C. show D. sell 17. ______ years ago there is no life in the universe.

A. Billions of B. Billions C. Billion D. Billion of 18. Tom has been to Beijing, and I have ______ been there.

A. also B. too C. either D. as well 19. How much does this DVD ____? 298 yuan.

A. take B. pay C. spend D. cost 20. How long have you _____ your skirt? It looks new. Only about three weeks. A. bought B. had C. received D. borrowed 21. Do you prefer apples bananas I prefer apples bananas. A. to; or B. or; to C. than; to D. than; or 22. ____ you _____ the notebooks to Peter? No. They are still in my bedroom.



A. Has; returned B. Did; return C. Will; return D. Do; return 23. Who read the latest news about the space ? Please tell me something about it. A. has; just B. did; just C. have; already D. has; yet

34. The Olympic Games has already been held successfully. Do you know _____ they are held? Every four years.

A. how soon B. how long C. how often D. how far 25. Mr Li ____ England. He ____ London for two weeks.

A. has been to; has been to B. has been to; has gone to

C. has been in; has gone to D. has gone to; has been in

26. _____ good advice he gave us! Yes. He always has so many wonderful ideas. A. What B. What a C. How D. How a 27. My pen friend, Jack, often helps me _____my English.

A. on B. in C. with D. about 28. Maria finds ______ difficult to translate these sentences.

A. it B. this C. that D. she 29. —I’m not interested in English. It’s difficult for me to learn it well.

—Don’t worry. You will learn it well if you work harder, but it _____ time. A. costs B. spends C. pays D. takes 30. How do you get on with your English?

I am ______ at grammar but I don’t do ______ in listening.

A. good; good B. good; well C. well; good D. well; well 31. ―What a nice dog! How long have you had it? _____ two years.

A. For B. Since C. In D. After

32. ―Can you speak Russian?Yes, but only ___. I’ve just learned Russian for two months. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little 33. Mr Green _____ in China since five years ago.

A. lived B. has lived C. lives D. is going to live 34. Has Tony ever _____ the winter sports in our school?

A. joined B. joined in C. taken part D. taken part in 35. Tony, do you know who teaches Jim _____ Chinese at school?

A. study B. studies C. to study D. studying 36. It is difficult _____ him to write with left hand.

A. at B. to C. for D. in

37. How much did you ____ the new English-Chinese dictionary? Fifty-six yuan. A. pay for B. spend C. take D. cost 38. My little sister stopped _____ and played the toy dog.

A. to cry B. cries C. cried D. crying 39. It’s difficult _____ the project in one month.

A. to finish B. finished C. finishing D. finishes 40. Don’t talk to Simon like that. He is only _____ boy.

A. a eleven-year-old B. an eleven-year-old C. a eleven-years-old D. an eleven years old 41. _____ people have visited China for the 2008 Olympic Games.

A. Million B. Millions C. Millions of D. Million of



42. ―Well, let’s go to visit the museum this Saturday. That __________ great. A. feels B. sounds C. looks D. hears 43. Some dirty water ____ on my hand just now.

A. drops B. dropping C. dropped D. have dropped 44. ―_____ has Project Hope built schools all over China? For nearly 20 years. A. How long B. How far C. How often D. What’s time 45. Some students want to study ____ but some just want to stay ____.

A. abroad; to home B. at abroad; home C. at abroad; to home D. abroad; at home 46. Not only the children but also Mr Green _____ Chinese classical music.

A. enjoy B. enjoys C. enjoying D. have enjoyed 47. There are two girls _____ Lily in Class Three, but they are from different cities. A. call B. calls C. calling D. called 48. Tim’s songs are even _____ than Bill’s.

A. popular B. popularer C. more popular D. most popular 49. Let’s play basketball on the playground, _____?

A. can’t we B. don’t you C. shall we D. let we 50. We should plant more trees to make our city _____.

A. beautiful B. beautifully C. serious D. noisy 51. The picture was so _______ that everyone thought it was a real thing.

A. live B. living C. lively D. lived 52. Her grandmother _______ in 1997. She has _______ for 11 years.

A. dead; dead B. died; been dead C. died; died D. died; dead 53. _______he is right this time.

A. Maybe B. May be C. May D. Does

54. What a nice MP3 player! Is it yours? _____. I spent 300 yuan on it. A. Certain B. I don’t believe it C. You’re welcome D. Of course 55. He lived in Shanghai, didnt he? —_____

A. Im not sure. B. He has not. C. Yes, he did. D. Yes, he was. 56. Anna was ________ in bed ________ at eight o’clock yesterday evening.

A. lying, to read B. lieing, to read C. lying, reads D. lying, reading 57. My father __________ while I ________ a letter last night.

A. was sleeping; was writing B. sleeps; was writing C. was sleeping; wrote D. sleeps; wrote 58. What was your sister doing last night? She ________ with a cat. A. was playing B. plays C. played D. playing 59. Nice to meet you, Betty. ________? Everything is OK. Thanks.

A. What are you up to B. What happened C. Ready D. How is it going 60. Jake, will you please paint the door yellow

A. What is it B. How is it C. What for D. How about 61. I’d like a cup of coffee some milk

A. in B. to C. of D. with 62. I _____ my homework at home at this time yesterday.

A. am doing B. was doing C. has done D. will do 63. Last year, _____ happened in the village.

A. something strange B. strange something C. anything strange D. strange anything



64. I took away Bill’s bike key _____ yesterday.

A. by a mistake B. by the mistake C. by an mistake D. by mistake 65. The book _____ from the table to the floor just now.

A. fell B. fell over C. fell down D. fell off 66. —Look, what’s _____ the tree? A bird. It is _____ there.

A. on; singing B. in; singing C. from; singing D. to; singing 67. You must look around when you go the street.

A. cross B. past C. on D. across 68. In this picture, Susan was _________. She was happy.

A. smile B. smiling C. smiles D. smiled 69. Mike said he was thinking about ______ the maths problem at that time.

A. which to do B. what to do C. how to do D. why to do

70. When Miss Green began to the story, the children stopped and became quiet. A. speak; telling B. say; speaking C. talk; saying D. tell; talking

