1. What is the nature of translation? The nature of translation is paraphrasing, or transferring the original (source Ian guage -- SL) meaning to the target Ian guage (TL). Tran slati on is always meanin g-based. 2. What is the most in flue ntial and most popular criterio n of tran slati on in Chi na? P.3 pressive nessa nd elega nee (信、达、雅”)—a most in flue ntial and most popular criterion of translation -that is first advocated by Yan Fu (严复). 3. What is the criterion of CET adopted in this course-book by Chen Hongwei and Li Yadan? P5/7 Similarity in function and corresponding in meaning ” 功能相似,语义相 符)is what is adopted as the Criteria of CET in this course-book by Chen Hon gwei and Li Yada n. 4. What types of culture are there? There are 3 types of culture ” defined by 邢福义,which are: material culture, in stituti onal culture and men tal culture.. 5. What kinds of scritpt are Chin ese and En glish respectively? Chin ese is an ideographic one / ideographic-orie nted syllabic script ( 表意 音节文字),while English is an alphabetic script, formed by the comb in ati on of one or more of the 26 En glish letters. 6. What is the reas on lead ing to cultural shock, sime ntically? P.34- Simentically, semantic non-correspondence ( 语义相异)and semantic zero (语义空缺)are the very reasons leading to the so-called cultural shock . 7. What is text? What are its unique features : Text(语篇)is a sema ntic un it express ing a holistic con cept. Cohere nce( 衔 接)& con siste ncy(连贯)are its unique features. 8. 心有余而力不足。 One 'ability falls short of one 'wishes. 9. 您的建议我会永远铭记在心。 I will always bear your advice in mind. 10. 得人心者得天下。 Those who gain popularity among the people will gain the power. 11. 哀莫大于心死。 The greatest despair comes from a devastated heart. 12. 治国/家/病/水 admi nister a country man age a household cure disease tame rivers 13. 基本工资/建设/设施/利益 basic wage capital con structi on in frastructure fun dame ntal in terest 14. 箱子里已经没有地方了。 There is no more space in the chest. 15. 费孝通(社会学家、人类学家、民族学家)在80寿辰聚会上,曾经意味深长地 讲了一句16字箴言: 各美其美,美人之美,美美与共,天下大同。 ” Mr. Fei Xiaotong (a sociologist, anthropologist and ethnologist as well) once uttered a sig nifica nt maxim at his 80th birthday party: Every country will by rights treasure her own civilization, and if each is willing to cherish that of the other and when all are ready to share with each other their own civilizations, then a truly harmonious world will come into being. ” 16. 只有冷静才能成功。 Success depe nds on calm min ds. 17. 学习的敌人是自己的满足,要认真学一点东西必须从不自满开始。 Complacency is the enemy of study. We cannot learn anything un til we rid ourselves of complace ncy. 18. 那不是明朝的建筑。 That is anything but a building of the Min Dynasty. 19. 欲速则不达。 More haste, less speed. 20. 不破不立,不塞不流,不止不行,它们之间的斗争是生死斗争。 There is no con struct ion without destruct ionm, no flow ing without damming, and no motion without rest; the two are locked in life-a nd-death struggle. 21. 动物没有水就不能生存,植物没有水也不能生长。 Animals cannot live without water, neither can plants grow.. 22. 上海男人聪明、务实,有时也相当圆滑。最令人印象深刻的是,上海男人在 事业上有进取心,对家庭有很强的责任感,而且尊重女性。 P.127 Shanghai men are smart and practical and even slippery, but what impressive most is that they are aggressive in their career and responsible to their families and respectful to their females. 23. 在四川西部,有一美妙去处。它背依岷山主峰雪宝顶,树木苍翠、花香袭人, 鸟声婉啭,流水潺潺。它就是松潘县的黄龙。 P.132 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/6c60c416cc2f0066f5335a8102d276a201296061.html