
时间:2023-05-07 20:02:18 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载



AHeyJoe! Where have you been these past few days? 嗨,乔,这些天你去哪里了?

BI’ve been busy with a first aid course that I started about a week ago at the Red Cross.


ACool! I’ve always wanted to do something like that! Have you learned anything useful?

真酷,我也一直想做点那类的是。你学到什么有用的东西了吗? BFor sure! I mean we’ve learned how to apply pressure to stop bleeding, how to check for a pulse, and even how to apply CPR!


AHave you treated any real emergencies? 你治疗过紧急事故吗?

BWell,they took us along with some paramedics.There was this guy who fell off his motorcycle and suffered a concussion as well as a couple of compound fractures. His wounds were pretty serious so they had to rush him to the hospital. It was intense!


AI can imagine! I tend to faint when I see blood, so I think I won’t be taking up a course like that anytime soon!

我能想到,一看到血我就晕。所以我再也不会参加那样的课程了。 心肺复苏法课程开课了 CPR course

AHello everyone,and welcome to our CPR for beginners course.First of all, does anyone know what CPR stands for?


BCardiopulmonary resuscitation! 心肺复苏法。

AThat’s right! We apply CPR in the case of cardiac arrest or pulmonary arrest.

对。我们在心脏停止跳动或肺停止跳动时使用心肺复苏法。 BWhat does that mean? 那是什么意思?

AWell, basically if your heart stops pumping blood, or your lungs stop pumping air, then we need to get them going again! That’s when we have to apply this procedure. Let’s begin! I need a volunteer.


BMe! Me! !!

AAlright, come here and lay flat on your back. Let’s suppose this young woman has stopped breathing. We must lift the person’s chin so that we clear a pathway for air to get into the lungs. Then we place our mouth over the other person’s mouth and blow air two or three times, like this.

