英语口语8000句 36 商业信函(正文):表示诚意常用口语句子15

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英语口语8000 36 商业信函(正文):表示诚意常



◎我们确信…… We are confident that... *confident “确信的”。

◎我们就……的可能性表示极大的热忱。 We are enthusiastic over the possibilities of...

*enthusiastic “热心的,狂热的”。

◎我们非常欢迎此事有所发展。 We welcome this development very much.

*development “(形势等)进展,发展”。

◎我们将继续做我们所能做的一切。 We will continue to do all we can to...

We will continue to do all we can to develop a stronger working relationship between our companies. (为了使我们两家公司的商务关系更加紧密,我们将做出我们所能做的一切。)

◎我们将竭尽全力地…… We will do our utmost to... utmost “限度”。

We will do our utmost to develop new markets. (为开发新市场我们将竭尽全力。)

◎为了扩大……,我们将付出的努力。 We shall do whatever we can to extend...

We shall do whatever we can to extend our service. (为了扩大服务,我们将付出的努力。)

◎我们将一直地努力提供给您我们惠价格。 We will always endeavor to offer you our most favorable rates. *endeavor “认真地努力”。

◎就……一事,请您即使放心。 You may rest assured that... *rest assured 为短语,“放心”。

You may rest assured that your shipment will arrive on time. (贵公司的货物将按时到达,请放心。) = You may be certain that...
