本文格式为Word版,下载可编辑 小学英语作文可爱的小鸟 前几天,我在楼下的一棵果树旁捡到了一只小鸟。它的头比较小,两颗圆溜溜的眼睛长得像绿豆,还有黄色的羽毛,小小的爪子,短短的尾巴。长得可爱极了! A few days ago, I found a bird by a fruit tree downstairs. It has a small head, two round eyes like mungbean, yellow feathers, small claws and short tail. So cute! 回到家,我帮它做了一座“房子”。做完以后,我把它放了进去。我立刻拿谷粒去喂它,它以为我要损害它,就用坚硬的嘴来啄我,可我依旧把谷粒送进它的嘴里,慢慢地它就习惯了这一切。它很馋,每当我吃饭的时候,它会飞到碗的旁边。“叽叽喳喳”地叫着,似乎在说:“主人,给我一点好不好?我好想吃。”看它那副馋的模样,我只好给它一些。 Back home, I made a house for it. After that, I put it in. I immediately took the grain to feed it, and it thought that I would hurt it, so it pecked me with its hard mouth, but I still put the grain into its mouth, and gradually it was used to all this. It is greedy. Whenever I eat, it will fly to the side of the bowl. "Chirp" to shout, as if to say: "master, give me some good? I really want to eat. " Look at its greedy appearance, I have to give it some. 1 / 2 本文格式为Word版,下载可编辑 其次天,我发觉小鸟受伤了。我立刻拿好纱布,渐渐地包扎起来。包好后,它觉得自己似乎换了一件“白衬衫”。我刚把小鸟放下,它就向我炫耀起它的“白衬衫”。仿佛自己就是白雪公主。 The next day, I found that the bird was injured. I'll take the gauze and wrap it up slowly. After wrapping, it felt like it had changed into a "white shirt". As soon as I put the bird down, it showed off its "white shirt" to me. As if I were snow white. 几个月后,小鸟长大了。我把它放生了,由于它是属于大自然的。不过,我仍旧喜爱它。 A few months later, the bird grew up. I set it free because it belongs to nature. However, I still like it. 2 / 2 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/70c446e9b90d4a7302768e9951e79b8968026818.html