完形填空讲义 完形填空是一种既要求有正确的阅读理解能力,有要求有扎实的语法、词汇和文化知识积累,是一种全面考查考生全面语言运用能力的题型。做完形填空应该从哪几个方面入手呢? 1.首先,大家要以很快的速度浏览全文,掌握文章的主旨,抓住篇章的主要线索,为其后的解题创造良好的条件,建立篇章的整体概念。因此,第一遍浏览时,大家不要急于看选项。浏览全文时要重点了解文中所叙述的人物、时间、地点、事件,即who,when,where,what。完形填空命题的原则一般是第一句话不挖空,目的是使读者进入语境,因此一定要认真阅读这句话,大家可以透过首句的“窗口”看篇章的整个“世界”。例如:Why is a space left between the rails of a railway line where one piece joins the next﹖这句话从铁轨之间的缝隙引出了问题。根据常识,文中内容应与热涨冷缩的物理现象有关。 2.根据故事情节的发展选词,确定所填的词与文中哪个词有关系以及动作是在什么场合发生的。切记要从整体来看问题,要“瞻前顾后”。 3.试填之后将所选定的词放到文章中复读检查。(“字面译、通逻辑、搞代入、全文译”) 具体操作中应注意以下几个的问题 一、从单句中选择答案。 这是完形填空考查项目设计最简单的一种。它相当于一道单项选择题,它不需要通过上下文,而是读它本句即能判断出正确答案。例如:MET90完形填空中的第一句 While my father was an officer of the British army in South Africa, we lived in a41 house.四个选项分别为:A. two-storeyed B.two storeyed C.two-storeys D.two storeys 只要学过构词法,考生很容易就能选出正确答案是A。不过该考查项在完形填空的设计中所占的比例很小。 二、寻找信息词或信息选择答案。 在一篇完形填空文章中,就一句所言,很难确定正确的答案。若继续读下去,就能发现与问题有关的信息词或信息句子出现,这些词或句往往是直接或间接地提示出正确的答案。如NMET95完形填空开头的一段。 Washoe is a young chimpanzee(黑猩猩).She is no41 chimpanzee, though. Scientists are doing a research 42 her. They want to see how civilized(驯化)she can 43 .Already she does many things a human being can do. 41.A.foolish B. ordinary C. special D. simple 42.A.for B. by C. to D. on 43.A.experience B. change C. develop D. become 这篇文章的第一个空格,若按照“单句理解”的方法去解答,显然不行。此段中的最后一句“Already she does many things a human being can do”是信息句,它暗示我们这是一只非同寻常的大猩猩,正确答案显然是B。空42的答案,可以按照上下文,特别是空41的信息词no ordinary,说明科学家们正在这只动物身上做一些研究工作。因此选D.on是最佳答案。 空43的答案,按照上下文,从意义上看,似乎B.change和C.develop D.become都是正确的答案。但本句中civilized是个信息词,它在本句中是过去分词作形容词,作how引导的宾语从句中某个系动词的表语,很显然,答案是D.become。 三、根据词的固定搭配和固定句型来选择答案。 词的固定搭配,特别是动词的搭配和词语类型试题是完形填空测试的重点,多数题目涉及到动词的语法和各种搭配关系,这是由动词在句子中的重要性决定的。动词在搭配关系上与名词、介词、副词紧密相连,测试的范围较广。这就要求考生多读、多记,对所学短语动词能牢固掌握,并能灵活运用。 四、通过上下文来选择答案。 该项目的设计主要是考查考生的综合分析能力。测试内容包括篇章结构和推理判断能力,这些答案的选择,起关键作用的是上下文的关系,也就是说,对短文的理解是非常重要的,这种考查项目的设计所占的比例较大,且难度也大,若从单句或“局部”来分析,所给的四个答案在语法或结构上都是正确的,若放在全局,则不一定正确。考生必须通过部分上下文甚至全文才能选出正确的答案来。 如MET89完形填空中的一句,The dog seemed to47 his mushrooms and the officers then began to eat their meal, saying that the mushrooms had a very strange 48 (but)quite pleasant taste.选择项: A. refuse B. hate C. want D. enjoy 此句的答案只有看了后文的信息词“began to eat”和“saying...”来判断,enjoy是最恰当的用词,符合当时的情景,而want显然程度不够,逻辑关系也不严密。再如MET92完形填空中的一句,55 the kettle of boiling water, she moved quietly 56 (towards) the door。。。 A: putting down B. laying aside C. picking up D. taking away 若从文章开头读到这里,很难判断老太太发现有情况后,如何处理“the kettle”,只有将这一自然段读完后,才知老太太是“picking up the kettle”,即“提起壶”,不然她怎能将开水倒向小偷的手呢? 五、通过文章深层意义的理解选择答案。 通过文章深层意义来选择答案,是完形填空难度最大的一种形式。它要求考生不仅要有广博的知识、丰富的生活经历,还要求学生们能够驾驭全文,不仅理解文章的表层意义,而且要弄清文章的深层意义。如NMET94完形填空的第一句: It was an early morning in summer. In the street, sleeply-eyed people were moving quickly, heading towards their 41 A. jobs B. homes C. buses D. offices 从信息词“early morning”和“sleepy-eyed”来判断,B. homes不符合逻辑,按生活经验,他们是去上班。这时有些考生就会认为,既然上班,就要去“挤公交车”或“去办公室”。但上班的人也有步行的、骑车的或坐地铁的,也有自己开车去的。人们上班有去农场、煤矿,露天码头,还有工厂车间,不一定去办公室。因此,C. buses和D. offices不符合现实生活,只有A. jobs最合乎生活实际,人们起床后,各自奔向自己的工作岗位。 要提高学生完形填空的解题水平,除了上面介绍的方法技巧外,在平时的学习实践中,要有计划、有目的地训练学生加强阅读、提高速度,在实践中感悟词的辨析、搭配,学会对文章进行逻辑判断及推理,既要看懂表层意思,更要理解深层次的含义。要有计划、按步骤,由简到难、由短到长地进行有针对性的专项训练,材料要精选,解题要限时,体裁要多样,做后要分析,运用正确的解题方法与技巧,只要学生持之以恒,解答完形填空的水平就能得到提高。 下面请同学们试着按照老师的解题提示去完成下面这篇介绍美国素有nbz篮球“小皇帝”之称詹姆士. 勒布朗。 ebron james isn't the first high school basketball player to go straight into the nba, but he's probably the best. he has the body, skills and the basketball brain of an all-star (全明星球员). this ___1____ was on ___2____ as he scored 41 points to take cleveland cavaliers (克里夫兰骑士队) to a 107-104 win over the new jersey nets (新泽西网队) on march 28. aged of 19 years and 87 days, james became the ___3 ____ player to score 40 or more in the nba. "it was by far james' best ____4___ ," said cleveland coach paul silas. known to his friends ____5___ "the king", this was the day james earned his crown(王冠). but he was ____6___ from being a king during a childhood spent in the back streets of akron, ohio. ____7___ many other african-american basketball players, james' early years were a ____8 ___ . his mother gloria was just 16 when she gave birth to him; he knows nothing about his father. mother and son battled for everything from food to a place to live. ____9 ___ help from his grandmother and neighbors, james would ___10 ____ have died when he was young. this spirit of survival has served him well on court, forcing him to take any ____11___ he finds. "i ____12___ losing, i don't like losing," said james of his 41-point display. "i ___13____ the opportunity for us to win and i was ____14___ to capture it." at 2.03 meters, he is no yao ming but this didn't ___15____ him being first choice in 2003 nba draft. this was ____16 ___ to his strength and skill, much of which he learned from high school american football. although he has a ___ 17____ brain, james has never had to concentrate on ___18____ . some people think this is a mistake and say he should have gone to college to ____19___ his mind. but james is one of the lucky few who has found fame and fortune ___20____ a diploma (文凭). on the court, he is king. 1 1. a. performance b. activity c. action d. talent 2. a. sale b. exhibition c. show d. duty 3. a. oldest b. strongest c. tallest d. youngest 4. a. performance b. lesson c. action d. appearance 5. a. for b. as c. by d. with 6. a. well b. far c. deep d. late 7. a. as b. like c. likely d. alike 8. a. fight b. struggle c. battle d. war 9. a. except for b. except c. besides d. without 10. a. certainly b. impossible c. hardly d. probably 11. a. goal b. game c. match d. chance 12. a. hate b. refuse c. object d. reject 13. a. grasped b. seized c. caught d. held 14. a. afraid b. unlucky c. able d. certain 15. a. keep b. forbid c. protect d. stop 16. a. according b. referring c. thanks d. sticking 17. a. fast b. quick c. high d. top 18. a. studying b. resting c. sleeping d. eating 19. a. advance b. march c. increase d. develop 20. a. apart from b. but c. except d. without 答案与解析: 这是一篇介绍美国素有nbz篮球“小皇帝”之称詹姆士. 勒布朗成长历程的短文。詹姆士. 勒布朗,新一代的nba篮球王。他,取胜欲望强,得分能力高,把握机会好,简直是一个全才. 获得2006年全明星赛mvp(最有价值球员)。然而这位年轻的篮球天才的成长过程也充满了艰辛,可谓一路"挣扎"。 1. d 。talent是“天才”或“天赋”的意思. 2. c 。 3月28日当他带领克里夫兰骑士队以107:104击败新泽西网队时这种能力显示了出来,在这场比赛中他一人独得41分。这种能力指上文所提的全明星球员在身体、技术和智力方面的综合素质。 3. d 。 由上文提到的19岁87天反推该空强调james 年纪轻。 4. a 。 一场比赛个人得分过40分或更多是一种好的表现。 5. b 。 known as,"作为......是有名的",符合题意。 6. b 。 由下文介绍的童年时期不幸生活反推,那时他还远不是一个球王。 7. b 。 分析语境可知,该空表"像......一样",应填like。 8. b 。 由下文所介绍的童年不幸生活反推,james的童年生活是一种挣扎。 9. d 。without是介词在这里表示“如果没有”的意思,充当条件状语。 10. d。 没有祖母和邻居的帮助,james也许很小的时候就死了。 11. d 。take any chance,"利用机会",符合题意。 12. a 。下文的don't like暗示该空应填hate。 13. b 。seize the opportunity,"抓住机会",与语境逻辑相符。 14. c 。分析语境可知,该空表"能够",应填able。 15. d 。stop sb. (from) doing sth.,"阻止某人做某事",符合题意。若将stop 改为keep,from不可省,所以a错误。 16. c 。分析语境可知,该空表"多亏了",应填thanks。 17. b 。强调"聪明的、反应快的",应用quick,而不用fast。 18. a 。下文的college暗示该空应填studying。 19. d 。上大学的目的是开发智力,因此该空应填develop。 20. d 。james成了没有文凭而成名的幸运者。 典型例题】 请根据下面短文内容,在短文后面的四个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳答案。 Every year students in many countries learn English. Some of these students are children, __1__ students are young people. Why do all these people want to learn__2__? It is not__3__to answer this question. Many boys and girls learn English at school. It is one of their __4__. Many people learn English because it is__5__in their work. Some young people learn English__6__their higher studies because some of their books are__7__English. Other people learn English because they want to __8__newspapers in English. Some people learn English because they want to __9__ in the USA, England or Australia. English is very__10__in our life (生活). 1. A. all 2. A. English 3. A. hard 4. A. books 5. A. good B. the other C. both B. Chinese C. maths B. easy C. good B. classes C. schools B. useful (有用的) C. fine D. other D. Japanese D. nice D. subjects (科目) D. pleased 6. A. for B. of C. to D. from 7. A. in B. with C. at D. of 8. A. look B. see C. look at D. read 9. A. go B. work C. like D. come 10. A. help B. helping C. helps D. helpful 答题分三步: 第一步:通览全文 通过通览全文,便知本文讲述许多人学习英语。学习英语的人年龄不同,目的各异。 第二步:逐项填空 本着先易后难的原则,先根据上下文和自己的语感,推测部分空格的可能答案。然后,再结合选项逐一敲定。 1. 选B。some...other(s)...意思是“一些……另一些(泛指)”; some...the other(s)...意思是“一些……另一些(特指)”。由语境可知,在学英语的学生中,除一部分是孩子外,剩余的是青年人(特指)。 2. 选A。根据上下文可知是English。 3. 选B。由文章内容来看,人们学习英语的原因多种多样,因此回答为什么那么多人学习英语这个问题并不容易。 4. 选D。由常识可知,English是学生学习的科目(subject)之一。 5. 选B。根据前后文意可知许多人学习英语,那是因为English在他们的工作中很有用(useful)。 6. 选A。本题属于介词用法辨析。介词for在此可表示目的、原因。 7. 选A。in English是习惯搭配。 8. 选D。“读报”英语习惯说read newspapers。 9. 选B。根据语境及句子结构,有些人学习英语或想出国(go to a country)或想在这些国家工作(work in a country)。 10. 选D。末句点题,“英语在我们生活中是很有帮助的(helpful)”。 第三步:复读检验 将所有答案代入空格后,重新将短文复读一遍,如果语句通顺,语意清楚,便结束本题。 2 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/7399fa2efad6195f312ba6a7.html