朗文英语第一册复习提要Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


Personal names and places (人名与地名)


Personal names

Peter Lewis, Nancy Lee, David Carter, Ms. Martinez, Peter Black, Susan Miller, Mr. Santini, Joe, Kelly, Sarah Places

Main Street, Mexico City

San Francisco, Waterville, Florida, Brooklyn, New York

II. Words, expressions and grammars


Words and expressions Words:

address——地址 alphabet——字母表 prime minister——首相 leader——领导 famous——著名的 actor——演员(男) actress——女演员 athlete——运动员 president——总统 Expressions:

last name—— first name—— telephone/ phone number——电话/手机号码 Grammars:


To be:运用be动词的适当形式来表达 is

---What’s your name? --- My name is Maria. ---What’s your address? ---My address is…

---What’s your phone number? ---My phone number is … are

---Where are you from? am

---I’m from Mexico City.

III. Reading, language and culture

(喜欢阅读的“小书虫”们,通过这次的阅读和本章节的学习,你们一定从中吸取了很多营养吧,快快按照如下要求,秀秀你的学习收获吧,否则你就out了~~) Reading (要求会读,听得懂,会拼写并在口、笔头练习中运用)

Master the words and expressions:(掌握以下单词与词组) fax number——传真号码 license number——驾驶证号 apartment number——公寓号码 e-mail address——电子邮箱地址 social security number——社保号

Read out the text fluently and correctly(准确、流利朗读课文) Language and culture


●The order of addresses (地址顺序)

