
时间:2022-09-20 21:08:16 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

I always remember this sentence: " near Zhu Zhechi, near the ink black. " this sentence is also very suitable for our choice of books. Because a good book can affect a person's life, a bad book can also

affect a person's life. For us in beginning of life, the first few books of life are particularly important. I have loved to read fairy tales and fables since I was a child, because they have the power to influence and educate our children. Of these books, my favorite is grimm's fairy tale. In those novel, vivid, vivid fairy tales, I found another colorful and real world, young mind know and feel what is true, good and beautiful, what is false evil ugly, with a full of childlike heart to see everything around you.

In the story of grimm's fairy tale, there are both old friends I knew when I was still in my teeth: beautiful and pure snow white, childish and simple little red riding hood, lovely and kind

Cinderella … and new friends I met after reading: beautiful and witty marlene, simple and kind Hans, smart little catrice... I like these various friends very much, pay attention to the fate of each of them, often feel sorry for their sad ending, happy for all. I am full of love for the pure and kind people in the story, and for those sinister,

vicious characters full of hate. In green's fairy tales, there are often a couple on the scene. Their love has joys and twists. When they break up due to the destruction of the bad guys, I pinched a sweat for them; I was happy for them when they were " married with a lover". In short, I worried about the " green fairy tale" in each person, and they are happy, sad, fall together, climb up together. Rich and colorful plot often makes me deeply intoxicated in the " green fairy tale" magic world. " green fairy tale" this book makes many children like me have a dream of heaven, have a dream of friends, let our world become very full, full of pure beautiful expectations for the future. More importantly, it will purify our hearts and let us pursue our dreams with a loving heart. " green fairy tale" is really a good book for children to read!








在暑假里我读了一本书叫《格林童话》,它一共有五十一个故事,二百三十四页,是德国的格林兄弟所写,他们的代表作还有《德国英雄传》、《德国神话》等。 其中比较有趣的《六好汉走遍天下》,讲了从前有一个兵,他勇敢善战,立下了很多大功,但他退伍时,国王只给他三个银豪子当伙食费,退伍兵满腔怒火地走进森林,随后他分别遇到了大力士、神枪手、狂风鼻、飞毛腿和寒冷帽,他们有各自的本领。然后他们来到了一座城市,那里的国王说“谁跑赢我国的公主,我就给他荣华富贵。”飞毛腿应战了,并且赢得了比赛。从而过上了幸福的生活。

我觉得这本书的作者想象力非常丰富。它每一个故事都告诉我们,只有诚实和善良才是美的体现,外在的美并不是真实的,而内在的美才是最真实的、最实际的,这才是美的体现。在生活中也的确如此:一个人的外表非常漂亮,但他的内心是肮脏的、是丑陋的,明明是要靠自己的双手去打造自己的劳动成果,但他却靠别人去帮他完成,这就是不真实的体现。一个人,外表很丑陋,但他的内心是纯洁的、是美丽的。做一件事,不管多艰难,他都愿意靠自己来完成,这就是实际的体现。我们也应该向他们一样,不弄虚作假,要一步一步、脚踏实地的走下去。 格林童话是我们必读的经典故事,它里面有许多精彩的语句和优美的词语,我们看了以后又会增长许多知识,还充满了美丽的,幻想,我相信,格林童话将会一代一代的传承下去。
