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第二讲 冠词

冠词分定冠词和不定冠词 一.定冠词的用法



The world is like a stage.

On fine evenings, the Milky Way is ever so bright. 但是,某些这类名词若有形容词修饰,可不用冠词

a blue sky a starry sky a waning moon 一弯残月 a crescent moon一钩新月 in a sky of iron在铁色的天空下 a short sea急浪翻腾的海 2.用在表示特指的人或物的名词前(熟知或心照不宣的人和物) The snow came.

When the scenery of the south is most beautiful, I meet you again in showers of falling flowers.

C.f. She likes the man of no little humor. 她喜欢那个幽默风趣的人。(特指) She likes a man of no little humor. 3.用在第二次提到的人或物前 4.用在短语或从句修饰的名词前

The key to the safe is lost.

The restaurant where I had my dinner last night is most convenient. 5.用在最高级或序数词前,以及only, main, sole, same修饰的名词前

Thats the main point.

The same causes produce the same effects.种瓜得瓜 例题:

We are __________cousins.

A. first B. the first C. a first D. firstly 亲表兄弟

He went to see her first thing in the morning. He is second to none in skill. 6.用在单数名词前表示属类

The rose sells sweet.

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.


Once in a while they go to the shops.

Her countenance is like the flowers and the moon. 也泛指时日

The times have changed

The years went by.

8.用在形容词,动名词,过去分词前表示同一类人或物或抽象概念 The rich the fair美人 the good and the evil 例子:It is only the ignorant who________ education. A. despise B. despised C. despises D. despising 谓语动词一般用复数,但表示某一个人或抽象事物用单数 e.g. The unknown is yet to come.天有不测风云



the Atlantic the Thames the Yellow Sea 注意:
