单词表英语怎么说 你知道单词表用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。 单词表英语释义: word list 单词表英语例句: 该复习的时候却只想着玩,翻开英语书后面的单词表! The review of only thinking about playing time, opened the back of the English word list! 教师通常用单词表教单词,并让学生通过反复背诵记忆单词。 They usually teach vocabulary in word lists and then ask students to recite words again and again until they remember. 留美之前,为了顺利通过托福以及各种各样的英语考试,学生拼命努力记忆单词表。 Before traveling to America, students struggled desperately to memorize word lists for TOEFL and various other tests of English as a foreign language. 把学会的新单词做成单词表,那样第二天可以进行复习。 Challenge yourself to understand every word, and keep word lists of new words that you learn so that you can review them the next day. 例如,在学习单词表时你不应当只关心单词本身,甚至还要考虑单词的发音。 When you ’ re trying to learn a word list, for instance, you should not just look at the words, or even think about how they sound. 我们去年学过的单词表已经起草了。 A list has been drawn up of words we learned last year. 给自己制定一个每星期学习一个单词表的计划。 Make a commitment to learn one list a week. 他不时地往单词表里加点单词。 He adds words to the word list from time to time. 请把单词表过目一下。 Please take a brief look at the list of words. 他不时地往单词表里加点单词。 From time to time he added some words to the word list. 他不时地往单词表里加单词。 He adds words to the vocabulary from time to time. 记住单词表。 Learn the list of words. 他们研究了人们对像单词表一类事情的记忆。 They looked at people's memory for items like a list of words. 以语言为英语、带有英文字幕的方式观看,并通过暂停键来控制画面,在单词表上添加单词。 Watch the scene in English with English subtitles and pause the scene to add vocabulary to your list. “我们当时并没有在单词表上花费太多时间就意识到它在各个方面都与其他两种语言极其不同。”哈里森说到。 "We didn't have to get far on our word list to realize it was extremely different in every possible way," Harrison said. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/784df6c2142ded630b1c59eef8c75fbfc77d94e5.html