外来俗语 英文里充斥着古怪的习语,像是: The moments when we escape a dicey situation by the skin of our teeth. 我们从牙口间隙脱离危险境地(死里逃生)。 但是在任何词典中,都还有变化的空间。无论老的小的,高的矮的,过着拮据的生活,还是富裕的日子,你都可以借用其他语言里有趣的俗语来丰富你的表达。 to eat a cable(Spanish 西班牙语): to be in financial difficulty 陷入经济困境 If you’re down to your last savings, perhaps you’ll only have your cables left to eat. 如果你穷得只剩下最后的积蓄时,可能你就只剩下电缆可以吃了。 to ride as a hare(Russian 俄语): to travel without a ticket逃票旅行 If you are travelling without a ticket, you’ll be shaking like a hare when the ticket inspector comes to you. 如果你没有为旅途买票,那么当检票员来找你的时候,你就会发抖得像野兔一样。 to have a wide face(Japanese 日语) to have lots of friends and to be well liked有很多朋友,很受欢迎 These days, this could be interpreted to mean you have a wide friendship circle on social media. 现在,这会被理解为指你在社交媒体上有广泛的交友圈。 to live like a maggot in bacon(Deutsch 德文): to live the life of luxury 过着奢侈的生活 If a maggot’s found themselves some bacon, they really are living the high life. 如果蛆虫为自己找到一些培根,那么它们就真的过得很好。 to stop ironing my head(Armenian 亚美尼亚语): to stop annoying me 别烦我 Traditionally used to stop nagging wives, but said now to anyone who’s being irritating. 习惯上是用来阻止碎碎念的妻子的,但现在也对所有恼人的家伙说。 to have long teeth(French 法语): to be ambitious 胸怀抱负 By this logic, you can argue that vampires are certainly ambitious. 按照这个逻辑,你可以说吸血鬼必定是野心勃勃的。 not my circus, not my monkey(Polish 波兰语): not my problem不是我的问题 This is certainly a more colorful way to wash your hands of a problem. 要撇清你和某个问题之间的关系,这确实是一种生动有趣的表达方式。 my eye went with me(Maltese 马耳他语): I fell asleep我睡着了 After all, your eyes can’t see anything if you’ve fallen asleep. 毕竟,当你睡着的时候你的眼睛什么也看不见。 I'm sweating carrots.(Dutch 荷兰语) Literally means I’m sweating very heavily字面意思是“我出汗很严重” This is a slightly nicer way of saying “I’m sweating like a pig!” 这要比“我出汗出得像猪一样”要稍微好一些。 Work is not a wolf; it won't run off into the woods. (Ukrainian 乌克兰语) You can always return to a piece of work later on. 之后你总能回到工作中去。 This is a good phrase to use on a friend who panics about assignments and chains themselves to a laptop to get them done. 这是一个很好的短语,可以用来用在那些对任务感到惊慌,并把自己锁在电脑前去完成任务的朋友们身上。 It fell between chairs. (Swedish 瑞典语) When you want to say, “Yeah, I know I was supposed to do it but I forgot.” 当你想说:“是的,我知道我本应该这么做的,但是我忘了。” This happens when two people were meant to do something, but both of them forgot all about it. 这种情况发生在两个人都打算做某事,但他们两人都忘光了的时候。 My cottage is at the edge. (Ukrainian 乌克兰语)”” Means: “I’m only slightly involved.” 意思:“我只是略有涉及。” As you’re only on the periphery of the problem, you’re just not that worried about it. 因为你只是关系到问题的周边,所以你就没有那么担心这个问题。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/7956a01330b765ce0508763231126edb6f1a76e0.html