外研社(一起)学年四年级上册英语试题Module 3 Unit 1 She didn’t walk

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Module 3

Unit 1 She didn’t walk to school

yesterday. 同步(tóngbù)练习


1. at seven 玩她的玩具 2. on Mondays 学习英语 3. walk to school 国庆节 4. learn English 在每个星期一 5. learn these things 在每个星期天 6. National Day 步行上学 7. play with her toys 在七点 8. on Sundays 学习这些东西


1. friend / have / a / new / got / I /.

______________________________________________ 2. my / I / finished / homework /.

______________________________________________ 3. was / Yesterday / Day / National / .



1. walk 2. get 3. finish

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4. watch 5. play


( ) 1. Did you help your mum on Sunday? Yes, I ____. A. do B. did

( ) 2. What did you do yesterday?

A. I usually walk to school. B. I played with my friends. ( ) 3. Was yesterday holiday? A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, it was. ( ) 4. Where did they go?

A. They saw some mountains. B. They went to the Great Wall.


例:drums, the he, play He didnt play the drums.

1. mum, she, phone, her

2. play, I, park, football, the, in

3. clean, room, he, his

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1. at seven 玩她的玩具(wánjù) 2. on Mondays 学习英语 3. walk to school 国庆节 4. learn English 在每个星期一 5. learn these things 在每个星期天 6. National Day 步行上学 7. play with her toys 在七点 8. on Sundays 学习这些东西


1. I have got a new friend. 2. I finished homework. 3. Yesterday was National Day.


walked, got, finished, watched, played


1. A 2. B 3. B 4. B


1. She didnt phone her mum. 2. I didnt play football in the park.

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