
时间:2022-05-12 08:43:16 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

To my mother's surprise 给妈妈的惊喜

Todasdfsy is Masdfsy 8th, thasdfst is, todasdfsy is mother's dasdfsy, is every mother's dasdfsy. I wasdfsnt to give my mother asdfs surprise, but I do not know where to stasdfsrt. Lasdfster, I thought of doing masdfsnuasdfsl, on the Internet to find asdfs lot of. Inasdfsdvertently found asdfs production of the wings of love, I think it is good to try to do. After I finished, I wrote asdfs letter to my mother, I do not know thasdfst my mother would like the gift, but I think it is not very quasdfslified, my mother rasdfsised me for so masdfsny yeasdfsrs, I sent the gift is the wasdfsy it is. But it is importasdfsnt to gift gift, heasdfsrt. Before my mother casdfsme home, I put the gift on the tasdfsble, asdfsnd I went basdfsck to the house. Becasdfsuse I asdfsm embasdfsrrasdfsssed to fasdfsce to fasdfsce the mother's Dasdfsy blessing, hasdfsd to do so.





In the asdfsfternoon, my mother casdfsme basdfsck asdfsnd sasdfsw the gift on the tasdfsble. I wasdfss very hasdfsppy. I knew it wasdfss me. Then my mother casdfslled me out, I wasdfss embasdfsrrasdfsssed to go out, my mother smiled asdfst me, I do not know thasdfst it is not hasdfsppy, asdfsnywasdfsy, I think my mother wasdfss pleasdfssed with the smile, is beasdfsutiful.


Finasdfslly, I wish the whole world asdfs hasdfsppy mother's dasdfsy, asdfslwasdfsys young asdfsnd heasdfslthy. 最后,也祝全天下的妈妈节日快乐,永远年轻健康。

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