
时间:2022-04-06 03:10:17 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


今天早晨,我伸着懒腰,打着哈欠,去参加万里行活动。 This morning, I stretched out, yawned, and went to the Wanlixing activity.

牵牛花吹着小号,小草向我点头。这次的万里行活动正逢清明节前夕,因此老师安排我们去西顺河瞻仰二十六烈士陵园。 Morning glory blowing trumpet, grass nodded to me. This activity is on the eve of Qingming Festival, so the teacher arranged us to visit the 26 martyrs cemetery in xishunhe river.


When they got there, the students couldnt help shouting, “Wow, wow!” The majestic tombstone looks very tall in the sky. The ceremony began, and we soon calmed down and stood upright. We sang the familiar song “we are the successors of communism”. Next, the teacher told us about the heroic deeds of the eighth road war with

Japanese devils. It seems that I really saw the martyrs and heroes fighting against Japan; I heard the loud cries of revolutionary soldiers on the battlefield.


In front of the tombstone, we were serious, upright and respectfully bowed three times to the heroes. At this time, I suddenly hope that the time can be too slow, and then slow down, so that we can stay in front of the tombstone for a while.


Finally, I put the flowers in front of the tomb seriously and cautiously. I was filled with emotion.


To leave the martyr cemetery, I reluctantly looked at the tombstone, and never looked back.

接下来就是期盼下一次的万里行了…… Next is looking forward to the next trip
