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7B Unit 5 Amazing things Reading1

班级 姓名 备课组长 【学习目标】

1. 了解一件发生在MillieAmy身上的奇异的情形。 2. 学习记叙文的写作手法。

3. 学习了解要紧内容,快速阅读,查找细节的阅读技术。

【课前预习】 一. 翻译短语

1. 公园里的幽灵_______________2.喃喃自语_______________ 3.逃跑_______________4.捡起_______________

5.在去往—的路上_______________6.像往常一样_______________ 7.他们转身看,却什么也没有看到。_______________

8.听起来像低语。_______________9.那天晚些时候_______________ 10.他们很吃惊。_______________ 【学习进程】

Teaching task: 1. To read and learn about something about Sunshine Town.. 2. To grasp the main idea of each paragraph..

3. Ask Ss to write an article to introduce their own home town, using the context as a model. Teaching aids: tape recorder, pictures Teaching procedures:

some students some questions “Are there any tall buildings in your home town?” “What can you do in your town?”, etc..

(1).Use the pictures to teach the new words.

underground air pollution lake building theatre

(2) Now let’s listen to the tape and say “T” or “F” according to the text. Check the answers with the whole class. (5) Sum-up

Go through the new words and language points. Homework

Finish the Ex of Page59 and 60. 【当堂训练】 首字母

1I was doing my homework, s_______ I heard a big noise. 2. I rang you this morning, but n________ replied. t worry about him, he can look after h_________. the boy saw his mother, he ran home q________.

5. I w_______ if he will like the book.

6. I am _______(薄弱) in English. Can you help me? was _________(吃惊的) to find his wallet gone. are many people. Whats ________(发生)? does he look so ________(奇怪的) today? 10. You must work _________(细心). 【课后提升】

一. 用词的适当形式填空。

1. How long does it take you _______(get) home from school by bike?

2. If you want to do your homework _______(care), you shouldn't do it so quickly. days _______( late), he finished his work.

4. When he met his old classmate, he stopped ______(chat) with her. ______(usually) sound made him very afraid. finished his homework _______(quick). ______(reply) to my question at once. said to _________(he), Here it is! is _________(surprise) at his words.

are surprised _________(see) a stranger in his house. 二.选择

( ) ______ here? No, Teddy isnt here. But its time to have class. A. anybody B. nobody C. somebody D. everybody ( ) she afraid ______flying?

A. Is; to B. Is; of C. Does; to D. Does; of ( )3. They were _______ at the bad news.

A. surprising B. surprised C. surprise D. amazing ( ) is ______ in the story. It isnt interesting at all.

A. something usual B. usual something C. usual anything D. anything usual ( ) his way home, he found a wallet. A. In B. On C. To D. At ( ) got up early ______ and went to work on time.

A. as usually B. than usually C. as usual D. than usual 三.翻译句子


Lucy is _______ _______ Lily _______ the film. 2.他们环视周围可是没有看到有什么不寻常的。 They ______ _______ but saw _______ _________. 3.米莉和埃米看到这只小猫很惊讶。

Millie and Amy were very _______ _______ _______ the little cat. 4.有人帮忙安迪找到了灌木丛里的“鬼”。

Somebody helped Andy find the ghost ______ ______ ________. 5.下学后,小李专门快地离开了教室。

After class, Xiao Li _______ his classroom ________. 四.补全短文

On a hot summer holiday, a little boy decided to go for a swim in the lake behind his house. He j______ into the water, not realizing a crocodile was swimming t_____ him. In the house, his mother was looking out of the window. She saw the animal getting closer and closer to h______ son. She ran to the water, shouting as l_______ as possible to her son.

Hearing her v______, the little boy made a U-tum to his mother. It was too l_____. The crocodile reached him just a______ the boy reached his mother. The mother held her little boy by her arm as the crocodile bit his legs. The crocodile was much stronger t_____ the mother. But the mother would n______ give up. Luckily, a farmer happened to drive by, heard their calling for h______, and shot the animal. The little boy was saved.

After that, the little boy said to the reporter, “I love my mum. She never let me go when I was in danger. 中考链接】

1. My cousin wants to keep slim. She does exercise every morning and ____ eats meat. A. seldom B.

always C. usually D. often

2. Where is my notebook?I dont know. It isnt here. Maybe ___took it away by mistake.

A. everybody B. nobody C. anybody D. somebody 【收成反思】

