BUT YOU DID NOT一首感人的英文小诗

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Remember the day I borrowed your brand new car and I dented it? I thought youd kill me . But you didnt.

记得那天,我借用你的新车,我撞凹了它 我以为你一定会杀了我的 但是你没有

And remember the time I dragged you to the beach.and you said it would rain,and it did? I thought youd say, I told you so . But you didnt.

记得那天,我托你去海滩,你说快下雨了,而且它真如你说的下了雨 我以为你一定会说“我告诉过你的。 但是你没有

Do you remember the time I flirted with all the guys to make you jealous,and you were? I thought youd leave . But you didnt.

记得那天,我和所有的男人调情好让你嫉妒,而你真的嫉妒了 我以为你一定会离开我 但是你没有

Do you remember the time I spilled strawberry pie all over your car rug? I thought youd hit me. But you didnt.

记得那天,我在你的新车毯上吐满了草莓派 我以为你一定会厌恶我 但是你没有

And I remember the time I forgot to tell you the dance was formal and you showed up in jeans?

I thought youd drop me. But you didnt.

记得那天,我忘了告诉你那个舞会是要穿礼服的,而你却穿了牛仔裤 我以为你一定要抛弃我 但是你没有

Yes ,there were a lot of things you didnt do.

But you put up with me,and loved me,and protected me.

There were lots of thing I wanted to make up to you when you returned from Vietnam. But you didnt.

是的,有许多事情你都没有做,而你容忍我钟爱我保护我 有许多许多事情我要在你从越南回来后弥补你 但是你没有„„„„

一对美国母女相依为命,父亲在越战中丧生。母亲终身没有再嫁。女儿在整理母亲遗物时,发现了一首母亲写的诗,题目叫but you didn't言平实无奇,却感人至深。
