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有事的英语翻译 有事的英文:

to be engaged; to be occupied; to be busy 参考例句:

It would look very inconsiderate to disturb the principal over such a little thing when he's busy.

太爷既有事回家去了,这会子为这点子事去聒噪他老人家,倒显的咱们没理。John is tied up at the present time.

John现在有事。Have faith! It'll be all right in the end. 要有信心!结果不会有事的。All right ; okay;work out

;可以;安然无恙;没有事I cannot sleep. Something is worrying me

我睡不着。有事使我放心不下No. He’s gone to New Zealand on business.

没有,他有事去新西兰了。Get prepared so that you can set off immediately if sth. happens.

做好准备,一旦有事, 马上出动。 Please wait a minute, he is engaged just now.

请稍等一会儿,他正有事呢。Saturday? Oh, what a pity! I'll be busy then.

星期六?哦,真遗憾!那时我有事。The filth here deters all but the invited guest

这里污秽不堪,除非有事,外人是裹足不前的。engaged是意思: adj. 从事……的,已订婚的,被占用的' Be engaged in; be Busy in

从事于 I will engage to manage the business if you will engage to provide the capital.

如果你答应出资本,我答应经营这个事业。We have to engage

the room in advance.

我们不得不提前预订房间。occupied是什么意思: [occupy]的过去式、过去分词 not occupied or engaged with.

没有被占用或从事的。 Preparations would occupy at least an hour.

The building or buildings occupied by such a school or institution.

校舍这样一个学校或学院的建筑或建筑群 busy是什么意思: adj. 忙碌的;忙于···;人来车往的;占线的;纷繁的 v. 忙着做某事 n. 侦探,包打听 【有事的英语翻译】
