海南省海口市第十四中学七年级英语下册 Unit 5 Our School Life Topic2 S

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1.around: 在…周围: 在我们学校周围_________________

大约=about :大约在六点钟___________________

show sb around () : 带领某人参观(、

show me around your school _______________

2. sitsitting : I am _________(sit) between Lucy and Lily at the moment. seat 座位 have a seat = take a seat

3. writewriting . He is ___________(write) a letter . 4. at the back of 在…后面(在某一范围内部)

She is cleaning the blackboard at the back of the classroom . 翻译:__________________________________________ 5. draw : draw pictures 画画


B:继续学习现在进行时:时态结构是:_____________________________ C:学习表示方位的介词和介词短语:

in : 在…里; in the room ; in the lab ;在教室 用… in English ___________; 用日语______________________ 穿/戴… in red_____________; in a balck cap_________________

on:在、、上: on the desk on the playground at 在某处;at the bus stop ______________at the desk________________ 在某时:at ten oclock _______________________________________ between and 在…和…之间 2、过程与方法

注意上一节课和本节课的联系;熟读课文,做好预习;借助资料或别人理解课文,不懂之处做好标注,课堂认真听讲。 3、情感态度价值观:积极参加体育锻炼 二、重点难点

1、介词和介词短语 2、现在进行时 三、知识链接:


look watch clean sing have use come write shop forget sit run 2、翻译:他们正在操场跑步




Step1 : Read 1a .在现在进行时态的句子下面划线并正确理解(提问展示) Step2. 找出文中的的所有介词短语划线。 Step3. Read 1a again . 填空并用介词翻译

1.show his mother ____ his school ; 2.____ the playground 3.run______ the playground; 4. _______ the gym 5._____ the swimming pool 6.what ____________?

7.______ _____there; 8. ____ the classroom 9. ______ the back of the class room 找出并翻译下列动词词组

1. have a soccer game 2. play basketball 3. sit there and watch 4. swim in the swimming pool 5. listen to music 6. clean the blackboard

7. read Renai English Post 8. do his homework 9. write a letter 10. look at Step 4 .Complete 1b and 1c.

Step 5 .Part 2a .以小组为单位先填空后展示,找出并翻译下列动词短语。

1. draw pictures 2. make cards 3. do her homework 4. write a letter

5. drink orange juice 6. listen to music .7. sing a song 8. watch TV 9. work on a computer 10. play games 11. have an English class . 12.eat oranges Step6: Ask and answer questions with the information in 2a.

Step 7: Observe what your classmates around you are doing now. Then write a short passage

to describe them (Finish 3)

Step8 Finish4a and 4b with the teacher.(Class activities) 五、学法指导:

1、识记单词,熟读课文 2、学用工具 3、小组合作 4、学会虚心倾听,学会上课专注。 5、学会质疑和解疑 6、随手笔记 六、学习小结:

1、方位介词:in /on / at / between 2、现在进行时:

肯定:主语+be(am/is/are)+ V-ing 否定:主语+be(am/is/are)+not+ V-ing



1. Peter is showing his mother ______ his school . 2. A few students are running _______ the playground .

3.A few students are listening ___ music and some others are swimming ___ the swimming pool .

4 .What about the girls ______ there ?

5. Look ___ the classroom . Sally is cleaning the blackboard _____ the back of the classroom .

6. He is playing ______ the computer . 7. Here are some photos _____ his . (二)用括号中所给词的适当形式填空

1. He_________(go) to play games after class .2. Please come and ________(watch) the


疑问:Be +主语+ V-ing ? V-ing 提问:Whats/Whatre doing ?
