
时间:2023-03-11 23:03:14 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

1. Increased investment in R&D has transformed us into telecom leaders. 增加研發部門的資金使本公司成為電信產業龍頭。

2. We became the hub of North American steel production. 我們成為北美鋼鐵製造業的營運中心。

3. Our government has focused on the implementation of policies meant to improve the health and safety of workers. 我們政府致力於實行改善勞工健康安全的政策。

4. Several of our companies contribute machines to theautomotive industry. 我們旗下數個公司都致力於製造與汽車業相關的機械。

5. There are several obstacles that need to be cleared if we are to position ourselves more competitively in the market. 如果我們想要在市場上更有競爭力,就必須先清除幾項障礙

6. Those industries concerned with the discovery and extraction of valuable natural resources from inside the earth are referred to as mining. 開採地下珍貴天然資源相關工業即為「採礦業」。

7. Any industry that manipulates living organisms or their components to produce commercial products is primarily involved in biotechnology.

任何應用生命有機體或其組成分子來製造商品的產業,都屬生化科技範疇。 8. Another name for the center of a network is hub. 網路中心點又稱為「中繼站」。

9. Anyone who gains something through significant effort has made

an achievement.


10. The production of airplanes and their associated navigation systems

is handled by the aeronautics industry.


11. The waste product of one industry that is used by another industry

to produce another product is known as anintermediate industrial product.

可被用於其他產業,並用來製造產品的工業廢棄品,稱為「中間工業產品」。 12. The use of resources so that the resources can continue to be used

to meet these needs for the foreseeable future is referred to as sustainable development.

