
时间:2023-02-09 16:00:21 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


I wish I had your brain! 我多么希望有你那样的头脑! I’m so afraid theyll get lost! 我恐怕他们是迷路了吧! Arent these roses lovely? 这些玫瑰多美啊!

Look! Donnt try any nonsense with us! 注意点儿!别和我们说没用的!

If only youd asked me earlier! 要是你早点儿问我就好了! Splendid! 太好了!

感叹句也可以用一种特殊的、专门的表达强烈感情的句式,这种句式主要有两种句型,一种是以What开头,另一种是以How 开头。E.g:

How careless she is!

How fluently she speaks English! How he snored!(打鼾)

How dare you speak to me like that!

(idm 习语) how `dare you, he, she, etc (used to express indignation at the actions of others 用以表示对他人举动的愤慨): How dare you suggest that I copied your notes! 你竟敢认为我抄了你的笔记! * How dare he take my bicycle without even asking! 他怎麽连问都不问就敢把我的自行车骑走了!)

What an intelligent boy he is! What strange ideas you have! What a wonderful surprise!

What impertinence!(太傲慢了!)

What How 引导的感叹句的区别

. What+(a/an)+adj+n+(S+V)

what开头的感叹句以名词为中心, 主语和谓语可以省略,E.g:

What a beautiful girl (she is)! What a good day (it is)!

What delicious food (they are)!

上述三个例子中girl, day , food 为中心词,主语和谓语都可以省略。

. How+adj/adv+S+V

how开头的感叹句以形容词或者副词为中心,主语和谓语不可以省略,E.g: How beautiful the girl is ! 中心词 主语 谓语

How good the day is ! 中心词 主语 谓语 How delicious they are ! 中心词 主语 谓语 How stupid he is ! 中心词 主语 谓语
