半个小时用英语怎么说 你知道半个小时用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。 半个小时英语说法1: Half an hour 半个小时英语说法2: A half-hour 半个小时英语例句: 花了半个小时才把这些鞋一双一双地配成对。 It took half an hour to pair the shoes up. 拥挤的交通使我们耽搁了半个小时。 The heavy traffic detained us for half an hour. 他每天早晨跟在摩托车后面跑半个小时。 He runs behind a motorcycle for half an hour every morning. 很抱歉,我必须把舞会开始的时间推迟半个小时,黛安娜公主要来参加我们的舞会。 I'm sorry to say I have to hold the ball back for half an hour, Princess Dianawill join us. 我坐在车里过了半个小时,而我的妻子和孩子就坐在那看着。 I sat in the car for half an hour, while my wife and children sat and watched. 他说话半个小时告诉我该如何训练我的马. He talked for half an hour telling me how to train my horse. forum. 《七宗罪》在结构的一个细节上是独特的;它在结束前半个小时才把杀手带出来,并给了他一个能说会道的角色。 "Seven"is unique in one detail of its construction; it brings the killeronscreen with half an hour to go, and gives him a speaking role. 那是压断了骆驼背脊的最后一根稻草,但马丁仍然抓住椅子扶手,和他交谈了半个小时。 It was the last straw, but Martin gripped the arms of his chair and talked andlistened for half an hour. www.ebigear.com 您要在教室里为学生授课,但是只有半个小时来检查所有硬件,并为这些硬件准备配置。 You meet your students in a training room, with only half an hour to check out all the hardware and prepare configurations for them. 这场雨只持续了半个小时,但却造成了交通阻塞、瘫痪,影响了行人和通勤者。 The rain only lasted half an hour, but caused traffic jams and havoc forpedestrians and commuters. 为你和你的家人打造一个前所未有的圣诞节.马上坐下来,用半个小时构思一下你怎样才能打造出今年理想中的圣诞节。 Make this Christmas the best ever for you and the family. Sit down right nowfor half an hour and decide for yourself what you can do this year to make it so. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/8e4c99a5c47da26925c52cc58bd63186bceb92f7.html