
时间:2023-09-27 19:16:16 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

1. I just want a few moments of peace. 我只想安静一会儿。

Peace可以表示安静平和的状态,想要寻求片刻清静,可以把它和a few moments of搭配使用。或者你也可以说a little peace,例如:I just want a little peace and quiet.我只想静静。

2. I need some time to myself. 我想自己待会儿。

这句话看着是要给自己争取独处的时间,但说白了还是想给自己找点儿空间,言外之意就是Please leave me alone.请让我自己待会儿。 3. Leave me be! 让我静静!

你没看错,这句话最后是be, 而不是aloneBe更能体现一种状态,leave sb. be就是别打扰人家,让人家自己待着。例如:Leave me be, I don't want to talk about it.让我静静吧,我现在不想说这事儿。

4. Buzz off, will you? I'm busy right now. 快走吧,求你了!我现在正忙着呢。

虽然你特别不希望别人来烦你,但是说buzz off还是相当不客气的,意思就是叫别人“走开”。 要不是被烦到家了,还是不要轻易用为好。 5. Stop bugging me! 别烦我!

另一种想静静时放出的狠话叫做“别烦我!”Bug可以指“小虫子”,做动词时意思是“烦扰”“打扰”。这句话还可以把stop换成quitQuit bugging me! 也是这个意思。 1. I want to quietly ponder what we to do next. 我想静静想一想下一步怎么办.

2. I just like to sit here and miss you silently.


3. As for who I am now, i just want to live everyday peacefully. 现在的我, 只想静静的过好每一天.

4. Tonight, I sit in a corner gloomily and miss you silently. 今夜, 我怅坐一隅静静地想你.

5. Do you know it is because am missing you silently from afar? 你是否知道这是因为我在远方静静地想你?

6. Releases flightstate of mind, tonight, lets me calmly think you. 放飞心绪, 今夜, 让我静静地想你.

7. Generally I sit away from them, at quietly outside the cave, thought everything or thought nothing.

这个时候,我一般会坐在一个远离大家的地方, 静静的注视着山洞外面, 什么都想什么都不想. Q ...

It has a quality difficult to explain and that which must be personally felt for one to genuinely appreciate it's true nature ... Q ...

这是种很难解释的品质,需要人真心去感知其本质。 U ...

It has an understanding nature in that it blankets itself around you and comforts you and nurtures you in that private moment when you are with just yourself ... U ...

其本质是理解,围绕着你,给你安慰、给你滋养,在你独自一人的私密时光。 I ...

It ignites a special place inside of you that can create and develop any internal ideas that only you can give birth to when you are alone ...
