译林版(三起)三年级下册英语Unit3 Is this your pencil?词汇要点

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Unit3 Is this your pencil


1. 对应词/反义词

up(对)down stand(对)sit open(对)close drink(对)eat here(对)there black(对)white red(对)green on (反)under 2. 否定词

do(否定词)dont can(否定词)cant is(否定词)isnt are(否定词)arent 3. 缩写和完整形式

Im= I am its= it is shes= she is hes= he is wheres=where is theyre= they are

4. 同音词

know(同)no right(同)write to(同)two/ too

eye(同)I you(同)U bee(同)B see(同)C 5. 单数和复数

y结尾的,分两种,主要看y前一个s, o, x, ch结尾的, es 字母。前一个字母是元音字母,复数直接加s;前一个字母是辅音字母,去yies

library (复数)libraries family (复数)families toy(复数)toys

class (复数)classes mango (复数)mangoes box (复数)boxes peach (复数)peaches

6. 近义词和词组

like (近)love want (近)would like want to (近)would like to 7. 现在分词

walk(现)walking 8. 第三人称单数

have(三单)has walk(三单)walks 9. 主格和物主代词 主格


your nice pencil 你的漂亮的铅笔 my schoolbag 我的书包 my blue crayon我的蓝色蜡笔 a new pencil 一支新钢笔 two red robots 两个红色机器人 a big cake一个大蛋糕 a brown sweater一件棕色的毛衣 her lunch box 她的午餐盒 his crayon 他的蜡笔

for you 给你 what about 怎么样 would like想要 over there 在那里 want to sleep 想睡觉 all right 好的


you your

she her

he his

it its

物主代词(...的) my

sing and dance 唱歌跳舞 beside the door 在门旁边 on the floor 在地板上

run into the classroom 跑进教室 talk about 谈论 good friends 好朋友们


1. Is this/that your crayon? /那是你的蜡笔吗?(肯否定回答)Yes, it is./ No, it isnt. 2. Wheres your lunch box? 你的午餐盒在哪里? Its over there. 在那边。 3. This is for you.这是给你的。

4. A red robot has a ruler and a rubber.一个红色的机器人有一把尺和一块橡皮。 5. 陈述句:Eat my cake, please. 否定句 Dont eat my cake, please. 6. 陈述句:This is my pencil. 否定句:This isnt my pencil.

7. 陈述句: This is my new skirt. 一般疑问句: Is this your new skirt? 肯定回答: Yesit is. 否定回答:No, it isnt.

8. 陈述句: The ruler is beside the door. 对划线部分提问: Where is the ruler?


/p/ cap, sleep, up, pie, please, peach, pig

/b/ book, black, ball, big, bag, robot, ball, birthday

/æ/ stand, apple, mango, cat, that, jacket. /ei/ make, case /a:/art, farm /e/ sweater, bread /i:/ eat, sweet

/ʌ/ cousin, up, rubber, brother, mother /au/ shout, aboutflower, how

/ɔ:/ for

/ə/ doctor

/ɔ/ hot, dog, robotbox, not /əu/ dont, robot

/u/ book, look,cook, good

/u:/ cool, school, afternoon, ruler, blue
