【篇一】迟到用英语口语怎样说 迟到 [chídào] arrive late 详细释义 to arrive late 略微迟到一点 arrive slightly late 迟到十分钟 arrive ten minutes late 他迟到了很久。 He came very late. 迟到者共五人。 Five people in all arrived late. 请不要迟到。 Please be on time. 迟到一步就来不及了。 If you arrive even slightly late then you won't make it. 【篇二】迟到用英语口语怎样说 个别同学上课迟到,影响老师教学。 Some students are late for class, which affects teachers' teaching. 鲁迅小时候曾在课桌上刻下了“早”字,从此再也不迟到了。 Lu Xun carved the word "early" on his desk when he was little, and he was never late again. 经过老师的批评教育,李响不再迟到了。 After the teacher's criticism and education, Li Xiang was no longer late. 要迟到了,小刚急忙背起书包向学校跑去。 To be late, Xiao Gang hurriedly took up his schoolbag and ran to school. 小林向老师说明了迟到的原因。 Xiao Lin explained to his teacher the reason for being late. 【篇三】迟到用英语口语怎样说 因为闹钟坏了,所以今天我起晚了,可是我上学并没有迟到。 Because the alarm clock was broken, I got up late today, but I wasn't late for school. 得到答案后韦小姐才恍然大悟原来这彩信"迟到"了。 After receiving the answer, Miss Wei suddenly realized that the MMS was "late". 虽然他迟到有客观的原因,却没有及时请假,况且他迟到的原因也是可以克服的。 Although he was late for objective reasons, he did not ask for leave in time, and the reasons for his being late can be overcome. 今晚的练习你又迟到,我们已经对此忍无可忍了。 You are late for practice tonight, and we can't put up with it. 每次迟到,他总是会找些冠冕堂皇的理由。 Every time he arrives late, he always finds some sounding reasons. 【篇四】迟到用英语口语怎样说 他们约好六点见面,但阴错阳差的,双方都迟到了。 They made an appointment at six, but both sides were late. 因为你迟到了,所以这些生字你需要再重新抄一遍。 Since you are late, you need to copy the new characters again. 我今天提早出门,可是公交车误点了,最后还是迟到了。 I went out early today, but the bus was late and I was late. 虽然天下着雨,但是班上没有人迟到。 Although it was raining, no one was late in class. 同样是迟到,他却嘲弄比自己还晚到的人,简直是五十步笑百步! He is also late. He laughs at people who are late than himself. It's fifty steps to laugh. 他俩迟到的原因不同,你不能一概而论,处罚结果都是接受批评,吸取教训,罚扫地两天。 They were late for different reasons, you can't generalize, punishment results are criticism, learn from the lessons, punishment for two days. 她近来总是踩着铃声走进办公室,保不住哪天要迟到。 She has been walking into the office on the ringing tone lately, and she will not be late any day. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/964b519c49d7c1c708a1284ac850ad02df80077b.html