
时间:2022-04-26 08:30:23 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

360教育集团()介绍:就题材而言,ACT阅读材料分4类:小说(pros fition)、社会科学(social scinces)、人文(humanities)、自然科学(atual sciencs)。其中,小说来自英美作家作品的节选。社会科学取材于人类学、考古学、传记、经济、教育、地理、历史、政治、心理学等。人文类文章多涉及建筑学、艺术、舞蹈、电影、文学评论、传记、音乐随笔哲学、电视等。自然科学类一般包括天文学生物学化学、地质学、医学、物理学等方面的内容。 直接事实题:


原文: Te reviionist interpretation, whch I supprt does not enshrine dnsur a pragn of intelect, but it oes mantain ht tey ere ot mall braned ftr ll. Tey had he “righ-sized brains o epiles of her boy size.”


题目:Acordng to the assage, what i the rvisinist interpeation concerning th relatinshp betee intelligence and physical size- A. Dinosaurs actaly had reaiey larg rain. B. Dinosaus were paraos of ntellct. C Dnosaus ere reltivel mal rained. D Dinoaurs’ brans wre apropriately sized. 举例作用题:


原文: Government s so tchnical ht even carer civil srvants cannot explain wat s happeing. In 1978 I attended semina on federal state n gift tax, where the Iternal Revene Service layr resonsible for tis are frnkl cofessed that tey did nt ndesad the ax Refom Act of 1976.


题目:The author se he decription of the tx semna in 198 o make the point that ome governmental isses ar:

A. so technical that not even carer civil servant can understad them. B. so technical that only career ciil servats can understand thm. C. mre tecnical than tey ued to b beore th pssage of the Tax Rfrm Act.

D to tcnial for anyoe oter than n Internal Reene Service a lawyr t ndrsand. 推论题:


原文:“The rmrale thin abut dinosars i not tha hey bcam xtinct but tat tey dominated te eath or s long…”

“People, o this citeion, are scarcel woth mentionng5 milon year perhps sine ustralopthecu, a mere 50, 000 or our ow species omo sapiens…”



题目:I the contex of the passage, ht os th autor mean when he state that peple re scarcely worth entioning (lie 8-2?

. Comared o the complex soial ehavio of dinosaurs, umn behvio seems simple.

B Compared to he ogevity o dnosaurs, hman have ben on earth a ery hort time

C. Compared to te size of dinosaus, human seem incrdibly small.

D. Compared to he aount of tudy don n inosurs, study of humn behavo s severely lacking

