2012届高考英语 写作专题冲刺常用活动类词组

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1. 开运动会/班会 hold a sports meeting/class meeting 2. 采访某人 / 接受采访 interview sb / receive a interview 3. 听报告 attend a lecture/report 4. 主修… major in ….

5. 获奖学金 get a scholarship

6. 遵守纪律 obey the school disciplines 7. 网上聊天 chat on line

8. 从事体育运动 do/ go in for sports 9. 欣赏风景 enjoy the scenery

10. 取消会议 call off the meeting 11. 学…课程 take up the course of …

12. 做…工作 take up a job as a volunteer / a guide / a attendant

13. 观看一场势均力敌的比赛 watch a close match/game 14. 研究某事 make a study of sth

15. 参加社会实践 take part in social practice

16. 获一等奖 get the first place / win the first prize / come out first

17. 在…大量训练 have a great deal of practice in … 18. 参加考试 take an examination

19. 报名参加竞赛 enter for a competition 20. 申请职位 apply for a post

21. 得到1000元奖励 get 1,000 dollars as a reward

22. 出席/缺席会议 be present at a meeting / be absent from a meeting

23. 自带午餐 bring along prepared lunch

24. 参观;访问… be on a visit to … = pay a visit to … 25. 办墙报 write a wall newspaper

26. 补课 /上课外班 make up for the missing lessons / take up extra courses

27. 开展竞赛 have a competition (between )

28. 组织/参加课外活动 organize / take part in the out-of-class activities

29. 去吃饭/开会/晚会/观光/聚会 go for a dinner/meeting/party/visit/get-together

30. 举行开/闭幕式 hold the opening / closing ceremony 31. 做早操 do morning exercises

32. 交换学生的计划 (carry out) a project of exchanging students

33. 做实验 do/make/perform the experiment

34. 开展探究性的学习 carry out exploring studies in all the subjects

用心 爱心 专心

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35. 带某人参观… show sb around …

36. 爬山/划船/远足/春游/观光/go climbing/boating/hiking/spring outing; make a tour; have a picnic

37. 音乐 38. 有出色的表现 39. 表演短剧 40. 演讲 41. 和着音乐唱歌/跳舞 42. 分组讨论 43. 认真听讲 44. 进行热烈的讨论 45. 做出决定 46. 做出选择 47. 聚会 48. 开辩论会 49. 上课 a lesson (老师)

50. 扔垃圾 / 捡垃圾 51. 做卫生 52. 发表个人意见 53. 意见不同 point/problem/fact.

54. 展现班级的面貌 55. 注意自己的一言一行 56. 安排某人做… 57. 非常喜欢… 58. 才艺展示 talent show

59. 争创先进班集体 60. 为… 加油 61. 鼓掌欢迎… welcome

62. 参加某人之中做游戏 63. 参加社会实践活动 64. 参加才艺表演 65. 举行篮球赛 66. 参加公益劳动 67. 参加军训 68. 举行辩论会 69. 游览 70. 举行竞赛

enjoy the concert

perform well / do a good job in put on a short play make a speech about … sing songs/dance to the music

have a discussion in groups attend classes attentively have a heated discussion about .. make a decision on … make a choice of … or … get together

hold/have a debate

attend class (学生) / hold a class / give litter rubbish about/ pick up litters do a thorough cleaning

present one’s personal ideas Ones opinions vary on the display the image of a class mind one’s manners / behaviors arrange for sb to do sth

be fascinated by … / be crazy about …

display ones unique ability / organize a compete for an advance class cheer for sb

clap one’s hands enthusiastically to give sb a warm join sb in playing games

take part in a social activity join in a talent show hold a basketball match

take part in a volunteer labor take part in the military drills hold a debate

make a tour in / take a trip to hold / organize a competition 用心 爱心 专心 - 2 -
