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篇一:简爱经典片段 1 2


1. 作者怎么描写简·爱向舅妈复仇后的心理?你怎么看待这时的简·爱?


我孤零零地站那里,成了战场上的胜利者。这是我所经历的最艰难的—场战斗,也是我第一次获得胜利。我在布罗克赫斯特先生站过的地毯上站了一会,沉缅于征服者的孤独。我先是暗自发笑,感到十分得意。但是这种狂喜犹如一时加快的脉膊会迅速递减一样,很快就消退了。一个孩子像我这样跟长辈斗嘴,像我这样毫无顾忌地发泄自己的怒气,事后必定要感到悔恨和寒心。我在控诉和恐吓里德太太时,内心恰如一片点燃了的荒野,火光闪烁,来势凶猛,但经过半小时的沉默和反思,深感自己行为的疯狂和自己恨人又被人嫉恨的处境的悲凉时,我内心的这片荒地,便已灰飞烟灭,留下的只有黑色的焦土了。 我第一次尝到了复仇的滋味。犹如芬芳的美酒,喝下时热辣辣好受,但回味起来却又苦又涩,给人有中了毒的感觉。此刻,我很乐意去求得里德太太的宽恕,但经验和直觉告诉我,那只会使她以加倍的蔑视讨厌我,因而会重又激起我天性中不安份的冲动。 改变这一局面,不至于搞得太僵。

2. 当布罗克赫斯特先生问简·爱怎样做才能避免进地狱时,简·爱是怎么巧妙回答的? 表现了简·爱怎样的性格?

“一个淘气孩子的模样最让人痛心,”他开始说,“尤其是不听话的小姑娘。你知道坏人死后到哪里去吗?” “他们下地狱,”我的回答既现成又正统。 “地狱是什么地方?能告诉我吗?” “是个火坑。

“你愿意落到那个火坑里,永远被火烤吗?” “不,先生。


我细细思忖了一会,终于作出了令人讨厌的回答:“我得保持健康,不要死掉。 勇于说真话 3.简·爱怎么向舅妈反驳自己不是“骗子”的? “我不骗人,要是我骗,我会说我爱你。但我声明,我不爱你,除了约翰·里德,你是世上我最不喜欢的人,这本写说谎者的书,你尽可以送给你的女儿乔治亚娜,因为说谎的是她,不是我。

4. <简爱>中女主人公最经典的内心独白是(我贫穷,低微,但当我们的灵魂穿过坟墓,,站在上帝的面前,我们是平等的)

5. 例举一处<简爱>中精彩段落加以赏析,


1.1. title (underline)/author: 1.2. publication information:

jane eyre was first published in1847 in london. charlotte with her sisters, emily and anne published a joint collection of poetry under the assumed names of currer,

ellis, and acton bell.

1.3. a brief introduction to the book and the report/review the main part of the story happened in lowood and in mr. rochesters house, thorufield hall. jane eyre experienced a hard life and found her happy life. 2. body

2.1. what the book is about?

jane eyre is a story can be interpreted as an autobiographical novel of bronte. the heroine of the book, jane eyre, is an orphan, born in a poor family. because that her parents have contracted typhoid fever, one after another died in this. young jane goes to her uncles home, but her uncle died in a few days. jane began to suffer a discrimination and abuse life due to the assault against the cousin. she was sent to an orphanage in lowood. she lived in there and continued to be spiritual and physical destruction. after jane experienced a tough life she graduates from lowood, she found a job as a professional tutor in rochesters, thornfield. after they meet for some time, they began to love each other. although they meet some unhappy things in their love, jane married him and has an ideal happy life. 2.2. characters:

jane eyre is a lovely, kindness, gentleness girl. she has a noble mind, a strong will and a capacity for love. jane eyre has a huge courage to pursue her own happiness; her spirits on this is very great. 2.3. my opinions about the book: jane eyre is a story can be interpreted as an autobiographical novel of bronte. janes experience is very similar to bront. the most impress me is that jane while longer looks flats, as humble, but do not give up on themselves, and does not vanity, her kindness, gentleness, courage to pursue their own happiness. and finally as the original in order to repay. her experience made me understood the formation of the original concept of love.
