
时间:2023-03-12 03:03:27 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
The Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, bordering to the north with both the Republic of Mongolia and Russia, is the widest province in China (by its latitude). It is the third largest Chinese province (over 1.1 million square

kilometers or 424,736 square miles) but not very populated. The province has about 24 million inhabitants. Many ethnic groups are living in this area

including Mongolian, Daur, Oroqen, Ewenki, Hui, Han, Korea and Manchu. Hohhot is the capital of Inner Mongolia.

When to go

Climate in Inner Mongolia is very different during the year. Winter is cold and can be very long, with frequent blizzards. Usually summer is short and warm. The climate changes from arid to semi-humid from west to east, and to humid in the northeast. The annual rainfall is 80 - 450 millimeters, also increasing from west to east. The main feature of the climate here is that the different in temperature between days and nights is very big, so tourists should wear layer of clothes when traveling here.

What to see

Inner Mongolia has a peculiar natural scenery, long history and brilliant culture. There are many historic sites in this area. Some of the key historic sites are:

Wudangzhao Monastery in Baotou is a vast complex and used to be the

residence of the highest ranking lama in Inner Mongolia and now it is the only intact Tibetan Buddhist monastery in Inner Mongolia.

Inner Mongolia is the hometown of Genghis Khan (1162-1227), the great

leader of Mongolians. His Mausoleum, located 185 kilometers (about 71 miles) south of Baotou, holds his clothing buried in his memory.

Dazhao Temple is one of the biggest and best-preserved temples in Hohhot. Xilituzhao Palace is the largest surviving Lama temple in Hohhot.

Zhaojun Tomb, six miles to the south of Hohhot, is located on one of the most beautiful scenes of ancient times. A legend says that each year, when it turned cold and grass became yellow, only this tomb remained green and so it got the name Green Tomb (Qing Zhong).

Wanbu Huayanjin Pagoda, also called White Pagoda, used to be a place where nearly ten thousand volumes of Huayan Scripture were preserved. It is an exquisite and magnificent brick-wood structure about one hundred and fifty feet tall.

But what is most attractive about Inner Mongolia is its natural beauty. Vast grasslands, including the Xilamuren Grassland, Gegentala Grassland and Huitengxile Grassland are all good places for a grassland experience. The

mushroom-like yurts, bright sky, fresh air, rolling grass and the flocks and

herds moving like white clouds on the remote grassland, all contribute to make the scenery a very relaxing one. While visiting Inner Mongolia you may try different activities such as Mongolian wrestling, horse & camel riding, rodeo competitions, archery, visiting traditional families and enjoying the graceful Mongolian singing and dancing. The best time to visit the grassland is

definitely during the traditional Mongolian Nadam Festival period when there is a better chance to both participate and feel the lively atmosphere of the grassland life.

You can also visit deserts in Inner Mongolia. The deserts are located in the western part of the province: the most famous and visited ones are the Badain Jaran Desert, Tengger Desert and Kubuqi Desert. Early autumn (from the middle of August to the end of September) is the best time to explore the desert as the temperatures are very temperate

内蒙古自治区在北与蒙古共和国和俄罗斯接壤,是我国最广泛的省(其纬度) 这是中国的第三大省(超过一百一点零零万平方公里或424736平方英里) 但并不十分稀少。全省约24万居民。许多民族都生活在这一领域,包括蒙古,达斡尔,鄂伦春,鄂温克族,回族,汉族,韩国和满族。呼和浩特是内蒙古自治区首府。 时节

气候在内蒙古有很大的不同在这一年里。冬季寒冷,可以很长,经常有暴风雪。夏天通常是短期和温暖。气候变化从干旱到半湿润由西向东,并在东北部湿润。全年总雨量为80 - 450毫米,还增加从西到东。的主要特点是这里的气候,不同的温度之间的日日夜夜是非常大的,所以游客应多穿衣服在这里旅行。 风光


五当召寺包头市是一个庞大复杂的,曾经是居住内蒙的最高级别的达赖喇嘛,在这是唯一的完整的藏传佛教寺院内蒙古。 内蒙古成吉思汗的故乡成吉思汗 1162年至1227年) 伟大的蒙古人领袖。他的陵墓,位于一八五公里(约71英里)包头市南部,在他的记忆里 ... 大昭寺是一个最大和保存最完好的寺庙呼和浩特。席力图召宫是最大的生存雍和宫呼和浩特。
