
时间:2023-02-03 07:08:12 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载



Armed to the teeth 全副武装

equipped with everything one needs for action EXAMPLE:

The worried company president had full financial statements, sales reports, new product ideas, letters of praise from major customers, and proposals for increased growth when he arrived to make his annual report to the hostile board of directors; he was armed to the teeth.

all in the same boat 处境都相同

to be sharing the same difficult circumstances, often with others who would normally be competitors


When bad weather discouraged tourists from coming to the popular seacoast resort town, the managers of the different hotels in the town knew they were all in the same boat and decided to work cooperatively with one hit the nail on the head


to say or to understand the heart of a problem, issue or idea EXAMPLE:

“The intelligent company president listened carefully to our department’s concern s and when he spoke we knew he understood the issues exactly; he really hit the nail on the head.”to go belly-up 事业破产

in business, to collapse; to go out of business (“belly” means stomach, so going belly-up means to turn on your back and float like a dead fish)


My brother’s company went belly-up last month when its revenues were far below its monthly debts, so now he’s looking for a go the extra mile 比别人多做一点点

to make an extra effort in making a deal or providing service (from the Biblical proverb “if someone asks you to walk one mile, walk two miles”)


“In order to provide the best customer service, our computer systems company always went the extra mile and provided free installation and user training at the customer’s worksite.”

to give away the farm 血本无归、损失惨重

to enter a business deal as a seller in which too much is given to the buyer


“The desperate salesman dropped the price of his products to make many deals, but his boss worried that he was giving away the farm.”

to get the pink slip 被解雇

to get fired, or to get laid off (traditionally, an official notice of termination was printed on pink paper.


When the XYZ company’s sales fell in half for the second year in row, many of it s employees got the pink slip.

to flesh out a proposal 充实提案

to give or to create a more complete description of an idea
