泛读教程一Unit 5 Business

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Reading Course 1 for English Majors

Unit 5 Business

Lecture 5

Part I Reading skill (15')

Class relationship Example: fruit (A);

pineapple, lemon, durian, sleeve, watermelon, pomegranate (B).

In this class relationship, fruit is the higher-level term, we can also call it as hypernym in term of linguistics; while pineapple, lemon, durian, sleeve, watermelon, pomegranate are lower-level terms, or hyponym in term of linguistics. The higher- level term includes the lower-level term.

Through this kind of relationship, we can guess some words' meaning by their class. Another example: Mr. Johnson's paintings show his attention to geometric shapes of all kinds. The paintings contain circles, squares, triangle, pirrles, etc."

Geometric ? (what's the common among the three words "circle, square, triangle") 几何的

Pirrle ? At least, a kind of geometric shape.

Contrast relationship

Example: There was no fllip seats available, so they had to buy expensive ones. With the knowledge of contrast relationship, we may speculate fllip is the antonym of expensive.

In the sentences containing contrast relationship, the following words are often used: unlike, however, while, nevertheless, despite, although, even though, and on the other hand.

Part II Text 1 (36')

1. Word-pretest (8')

Ask Ss to do the exercise in 4 minutes, and then check answers together.

The pair of shoes was bought five years ago, and is also good to wear. This may


Reading Course 1 for English Majors

Unit 5 Business

illustrate that the shoes are in good quality, so are durable. Answers: BBCD CAAC

2. Read text 1 and do the exercise following the text (15')

3. Call Ss to take turns to read the sentences with the answers filled quickly. (8') Answers: DDDD CCAD

4. Special attention to some words or phrases (5')

...dry goods--- especially tents---.... : tent is a kind of dry goods (纺织品) Hispanics, blacks, and Asians will have increasing...: Hispanics (美籍西班牙)may be a name to refer to people of certain country or breed.

Part III Vocabulary-building (25')

1. Check part of their homework: word match (10') 2. Affix (15')

Recall the words we mentioned in the reading skill, find out what in common. Hypernym, hoponym, synonym, antonym All these four words have a same morpheme: nym So Ss can remember these words together.

Some of the above-mentioned words' meaning can be gained from the their prefix. Such as:

Hyperlink, hypersonic, synthetic, anti-

Prefix we come cross in the Word- match and other prefix related to numbers Multilateral--bilateral(双边), bilingual(双语), bicycle, binary(二位制的), multiple choice, multimedia, triangle, quadrilateral, (四边的,quarter), the Pentagon(五角大), pentahedron (五面体)

Exercise: (Give Ss the chinese version and let Ss think out the exact words)

