泛读教程一Unit 11 Advertising1

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Reading Course 1 for English Majors

Unit 11 Advertising

Study the Text

1. Word-pretest (8')

Give Ss 5m to guess the words' meaning in the given context. Dissemination: spread (宣传,散布,流传) Sustainable development: 可持续发展 Constitute: form, compose

Decode: convert code into ordinary language. Relevant words: encode, code Routine: established practice

Pebble: a small smooth rounded rock, or a stone feels and looks like an egg Conversely: on the contrary, vice verse

2. Read the text in 10m and try to find answers to the following questions: (18') 1) why is it (international advertising) a communication process?

In advertising, some messages is spread to target audience, and a successful advertising can have target audience actively respond to it/ trigger off response. 2) Since it is a communication process, what's the senders and the receivers? Advertisers and advertising agencies, the receivers are the target audiences who differ from country to country.

3) Since it's a process, what steps will/does it involve?

Choose a proper message, encode the message in a suitable way, sent the message through a effective media, trigger off a response from the audiences. 4) What factors will influence the communication?

Languages, the level of literacy, color association, cultural context and so on 3. Difficulty sentences in the text (6')

1) Target audiences differ from country to country in terms of how they interpret symbols, (how they) respond to humor or emotional appeals, as well as in levels of litercy an d the language spoken.

来自不同的国家的目标观众在解释信号和对幽默和情感呼唤的回应都有所不同,他们的文化程度以及使用的语言也不同。 2) The first sentence in third paragraph


Reading Course 1 for English Majors

Unit 11 Advertising


3) Later they learned that in Africa, companies routinely put picture on the label of what is inside since most people can not read. of what is inside picture的后置定语

So if the picture on the label is a while baby, people would think the content is a body, how terrible it is!

4. Let Ss take turns to do the multiple choices one by one.(8') 5. Reading- skill: understanding the sentences (5') 2) exist of : prove the existence of sth 5) feature: has ... as a feature

Vocabulary-building (30')

1. Read the paraphrases and let student give the word with the meaning Keys: AEDBC, BADEC, BEACD

2. Assign Ss to do the blank-filling after class and write them down on the exercise book. 3. Prefix

Over- v: overestimate, overhear, oversleep, overweight, overview,overload, overpopulation

Over- adj. Overall, overage, overbound, overaggressive Re- act back: redemption, return, restore, replace, revive, recall, Re- do again, relay, restart, replay, refill, reunion

4. Assign Ss to do the blank-filling and cloze in class and check the anwers

Keys: reconsideration, overpraise, replace, overwork, regain, overweight, recall, overanxious

Keys: money, attempt, persuade, growing, preference, advertisers, rational, unconscious.

Section C (15')

1. Let Ss recall what techniques can be used to make a good advertisement.

