
时间:2023-03-03 22:13:11 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


In your hands, there's my red rope with you, your ring with her. 2、你是我生命的全部,请说你愿意。情人节快乐。

You are the whole of my life, please say you will. Happy Valentine's Day.


French means pain, but Chinese pronunciation is: love you. 4、花花肠子不要太多,婚姻就不会有危机。 If there are not too many flowers and sausages, there will be no crisis in marriage.


Tears are a gift you mailed to me. The address is not very happy. 6、我需要牵着你的手,才能告诉你什么是永远。

I need to hold your hand to tell you what forever is. 7、哪有什么突然想起,其实一直放在心里。

What suddenly comes to mind, in fact, has always been in my heart. 8、时间告诉我、无理取闹的年龄过,该懂事了。

Time tells me that it's time to be sensible when I'm over the age of making unreasonable noises.


If God knows my sincerity, let the stone sprout! 10、总有那么一首歌,让你陷入深深的回忆。

There is always a song that makes you fall into deep memories. 11、其实曾经的我很可爱。至少笃定着天长地久。 In fact, I used to be very cute. At least be determined to last forever. 12、爱一个人最好的方式,是经营好自己。

The best way to love someone is to run yourself well. 13、曾经的形影不离,如今的形同陌路,虎视眈眈。

Once the shape is inseparable, now the shape of strangers, covetous. 14、我颠倒了整个世界,只为摆正你的倒影。 I turned the whole world upside down just to put your reflection right. 15、或许你真的不该认识我,这样会乱了你的生活。

Maybe you really shouldn't know me, it will mess up your life. 16、台上只剩下拥抱,车开了你含着泪微笑。

There's only a hug on the stage, and the car drives you with a tearful smile.


Greetings need not be solemn, but must be sincere and moving. 18、想哭的时候,别憋着,难受的是自己!

When you want to cry, don't hold back. It's you who feel bad! 19、纯白色的记忆中拥有和你最幸福的时光。


Pure white memory has the happiest time with you. 20、我笑着解开回忆的毒,笑的眼睛已模糊。

I laugh to unlock the poison of memories, laughing eyes have blurred. 21、过错是暂时的遗憾,而错过则是永远的遗憾。

Fault is a temporary regret, and miss is a permanent regret. 22、只想拥有他的爱,让我只做你一个人的爱人。

Just want to have his love, let me be your only lover. 23、如果你累了,请你回头,我一直都在。

If you are tired, please look back. I've been there all the time. 24、爱情就是一粒沙子,没有多余的余地!

Love is a grain of sand, there is no room for redundancy! 25、倘若你懂我所有的深情就别辜负我所有付出。

If you understand all my affections, don't let me down on all my efforts.


Maybe love is always like this, first blushed, then blushed eyes. 27、抱最大的希望,为最大的努力,做最坏的打算。 Hope for the best and prepare for the worst. 28、人是改变不了事情的,只有事情改变人。

People can't change things, only things can change people. 29、只要再坚持一下下,我们就能到幸福的彼岸。

As long as we persist, we can reach the other side of happiness. 30、我爱你,你爱我。爱情也需要门当户对。

I love you, you love me. Love also needs a right door. 31、没有理由的心疼和不设前提的宽容,就是爱。 Love is heartache without reason and tolerance without preconditions. 32、你永远是我的定格,而我只是你的过客。

You're always my fixture, and I'm just your passer-by. 33、如果爱你只有一次,我会用每一个夜晚来想你。

If I love you only once, I will miss you every night. 34、乌云过后阳光更欢,不和之后爱情愈甜。

The sunshine is brighter after dark clouds, but love is sweeter after discord.

35、感情还是逃不过终点,试着用眼泪代替抱歉。 Feelings still can not escape the end, try to replace sorry with tears. 36、你永远不懂我的心,我们注定没结局。

You will never understand my heart, we are doomed to no end. 37、由于种种原因真心相爱的人并不一定能在一起。

For various reasons, people who really love each other are not always together.


The greatest happiness in life is the conviction that we are loved. 39、有一种爱,明知无前路,心却早已收不回来。

There is a kind of love, knowing that there is no way forward, but

