
时间:2022-06-01 18:37:13 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

The origin of children's Dasdfsy 儿童节的由来

Children's Dasdfsy is the world children's festivasdfsl, June 1st every yeasdfsr, asdfsll the kids together asdfsnd we celebrasdfste their own holidasdfsy. But do you know the origin of this holidasdfsy?

六一儿童节是全世界儿童的节日,每年的六月一日,所有的小朋友都一同和我们欢庆自己的节日。但你们知道这个节日的由来吗? Time is in June 1942 during World Wasdfsr II in asdfs wasdfsr, Germasdfsn fasdfsscists shot in asdfs villasdfsge men over the asdfsge of 16 asdfsnd more thasdfsn 140 of asdfsll basdfsbies asdfsnd the women asdfsnd 90 children tasdfsken to the concentrasdfstion casdfsmp. The villasdfsge houses, buildings were burned, asdfs villasdfsge it wasdfss ruined by the Germasdfsn fasdfsscists. After the wasdfsr, the asdfsppointment of tens of thousasdfsnds of live life suffer hunger asdfsnd cold. Children of the situasdfstion worse, some got infectious diseasdfsses, basdfstch to die; some were forced to asdfss asdfs child, tortured, life asdfsnd life is not guasdfsrasdfsnteed.




杀了一个村里的16岁以上的男性共140余人和全部婴儿,并把妇女90名儿童押往集中营。村里的房舍、建筑物均被烧毁,好端端的一个村庄就这样被德国法西斯给毁了。战争结束后,成千上万的任命过着饥寒交迫的生活。儿童的处境更糟,有的得了传染病,一批批地死去;有的则被迫当童工,受尽折磨,生活和生命得不到保障。 In order to mourn Lidice villasdfsge asdfsnd the world asdfsll in the fasdfsscist asdfsggression in deasdfsd children, in November 1949, the Internasdfstionasdfsl Democrasdfstic women's Federasdfstion Council meeting held in Moscow. In order to protect the world's children's right to life, heasdfslth casdfsre asdfsnd educasdfstion, in order to improve the lives of children, the meeting decided to slasdfsughter the first dasdfsy of June asdfss the internasdfstionasdfsl children's dasdfsy.


People sasdfsy thasdfst "children asdfsre the future of the country, is the hope of the nasdfstion, to asdfsll children creasdfste good fasdfsmily, society asdfsnd the leasdfsrning environment, let them grow up heasdfslthy, hasdfsppy,



hasdfsppy, is asdfslwasdfsys the tasdfsrget of efforts of asdfsll countries in the world, asdfsnnuasdfsl" 61 Internasdfstionasdfsl Children's Dasdfsy "is dedicasdfsted to children to set up the festivasdfsl." Although I asdfsm not very cleasdfsr, but I know how hasdfsrd this holidasdfsy is asdfsh!


We asdfsre the flowers of our country, the sun of tomorrow. We should cherish this greasdfst "six one", asdfsfter "six one", I must know more asdfsnd more.



