原文:脾足太阴之脉,起于大指之端,循指内侧白肉际,过核骨后,上内踝前廉,上踹内,循胫骨后,交出厥阴之前,上膝股内前廉,入腹属脾络胃,上膈,挟咽,连舌本,散舌下;其支者,复从胃,别上膈,注心中是动则病舌本强,食则呕,胃脘痛,腹胀善噫,得后与气则快然如衰,身体皆重。是主脾所生病者,舌本痛,体不能动摇,食不下,烦心,心下急痛,溏、泄、水闭、黄疸,不能卧,强立,股膝内肿厥,足大指不用。为此诸病,盛则泻之,虚则补之,热则疾之,寒则留之,陷下则灸之,不盛不虚,以经取之。盛者,寸口大三倍于人迎;虚者,寸口反小于人迎也。 翻译:脾的经脉足太阴经,起始于 足大趾的末端,沿着足大趾内侧的白肉处,通过足大趾本节后方的核骨,上行到达内踝的前缘,再上行至小腿的内侧,然后沿胫骨的后缘,与足厥阴肝经相交会并穿行至其前方,此后再上行经过膝部、大腿之内侧的前缘,进入腹内,而联属于本经所属的脏腑—脾脏,并联络于与本经相表里的脏腑——胃腑,然后再向上穿过横膈膜,挟行于咽喉两侧,连于舌根,并散布于舌下;它的支脉,在胃腑处分出,上行穿过隔膜,注入心中,而与手少阴心经相衔接。 足太阴脾经之经气发生异常的变动,就会出现舌根强直,食则呕吐,胃脘疼痛,腹部胀满,时时嗳气等症状;在排出大便或矢气后,就会感到脘腹轻快,就好像病已祛除了一样。此外,还会出现全身上下均感沉重等病象。足太阴脾经上的腧穴主治脾脏所发生的 疾病,如舌根疼痛,身体不能活动,食物不能下咽,心中烦躁,心下牵引作痛,大便溏薄,痢疾,水闭于内以致小便不通,目皮肤发黄之黄疸,不能安静睡卧等。勉强站立时,就会出现股膝内侧经脉所过之处肿胀而厥冷的病象。此外,还有足大趾不能活动等症状。治疗上面这些病症时,属于经气亢盛的就要用泻法,属于经气不足的就要用补法;属于热的就要用速针法,属于寒的就要用留针法;属于阳气内衰以致脉道虚陷不起的就要用灸法;既不属于经气亢盛也不属于经气虚弱,而仅仅只是经气运行失调的,就要用本经所属的腧穴来调治。属于本经经气亢盛的,其寸口脉的脉象要比人迎脉的脉象大三倍;而属于本经经气虚弱的,其寸口脉的脉象反而会比人迎脉的脉象小。英 语翻译:The meridians of the spleen, the foot and the Taiyin meridians, originate from The end of the big toe of the foot, along the white flesh of the inner side of the big toe of the foot, goes up to the front edge of the inner ankle through the nuclear bone behind this section of the big toe of the foot, then goes up to the inner side of the leg, then along the rear edge of the tibia, meets with the Jueyin liver meridian of the foot and goes through to the front, then goes up to the front edge of the inner side of the knee and thigh, and enters the abdomen, which is connected with the viscera spleen of this meridian, It is connected with the viscera in the surface of the meridian, the stomach, and then goes up through the diaphragm, which is carried on both sides of the throat, connected to the root of the tongue, and distributed under the tongue. Its branches are distributed in the stomach, up through the diaphragm, and injected into the heart, which is connected with the heart meridian of hand Shaoyin. The difference of meridians and Qi in spleen meridian of foot Taiyin Regular change, will appear the root of the tongue, food, vomiting, epigastral pain, abdominal distention, belching and other symptoms; in the discharge of stool or sagittal gas, will feel the epigastral brisk, as if the disease has been removed. In addition, the whole body will be heavy and other symptoms. Acupoints on spleen meridian of foot Taiyin Diseases, such as pain at the base of the tongue, physical inactivity, food inability to swallow, restlessness in the heart, traction pain under the heart, large Loose stools, dysentery, water closed in such a way that urination is blocked, yellow eyes and skin jaundice, unable to sleep quietly. When standing reluctantly, there will be swelling and chilly symptoms at the place where the internal channel of the thigh and knee passes. In addition, there are symptoms such as inability to move the big toe of the foot. In the treatment of the above diseases, cathartic method should be used for those with hyperactivity of meridians and tonic method for those with deficiency of meridians; quick needling method should be used for those with heat and needle retention method for those with cold; moxibustion method should be used for those with deficiency of channels due to the internal failure of Yang Qi; neither hyperactivity of meridians nor weakness of meridians, but only the disorder of meridians, It is necessary to use the acupoints to regulate. The pulse of Cunkou pulse is three times larger than that of Yingmai of human being if it belongs to the hyperactivity of the meridians, while the pulse of Cunkou pulse is smaller than that of Yingmai of human being if it belongs to the weakness of the meridians. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/ac3e69753b68011ca300a6c30c2259010202f307.html