领导用英语怎么说 领导是领导者为实现组织的目标而运用权力向其下属施加影响力的一种行为或行为过程。领导工作包括五个必不可少的要素:领导者、被领导者、作用对象(即客观环境)、职权和领导行为。那么你知道领导用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。 领导英语说法1: leader 领导英语说法2: headship 领导英语说法3: leadership 领导的相关短语: 集体领导 Collective leadership ; group leadership ; collective leadership ; the collective leadership 领导商数 LQ ; RM ; Leadership Quotient ; Leadership Quotation 领导干部 Leading cadres ; Leaders ; The leading cadre ; lead cadre 领导王冠 Crown of Leadership 领导机构 Leistungsorgane ; Leading organ ; leaders organization ; Leadership organization 领导权力 Power ; Leading Power ; leader ' s power ; leaders power 领导智商 Leadership IQ ; lead ship IQ 沉静领导 Leading Quietly 领导的英语例句: 1. He doesn't feel he is cut out to be a leader. 他认为自己没有做领导的才能。 2. He has led a violent armed insurgency for 15 years. 他领导武装暴动已达15年之久。 3. Republican leaders called him a disgrace to the party. 共和党领导人称他是全党的耻辱。 4. It is wishful thinking to expect deeper change under his leadership. 指望在他的领导下发生更深层次的变革简直是痴心妄想。 5. Mr Mendes was leading a campaign to save Brazil's rainforest from exploitation. 门德斯先生正领导一场运动,以拯救遭到乱砍滥伐的巴西热带雨林。 6. She has the intellectual form to take up the mantle of leadership. 她具备担当领导职责的聪明才智。 7. Trade Union leaders have demanded the government rescind the price rise. 工会领导已经要求政府阻止价格上涨。 8. Leaders of the Southern states are meeting in Louisville. 南部一些州的领导正在路易斯维尔开会。 9. Her leadership qualities were the greatest asset of the Conservative Party. 她的领导才能是保守党最宝贵的财富。 10. The downside of this approach is a lack of clear leadership. 这个办法的缺点是没有明确的领导。 11. Sailors at a naval base had mutinied against their officers. 某海军基地的士兵不服从军官领导,发生了兵变。 12. The Indian cavalry under Haig became a functionally efficient unit. 黑格领导下的印度骑兵成为了一支高效执行任务的队伍。 13. The ability to work collaboratively is a true test of leadership. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/ac456d0f4835eefdc8d376eeaeaad1f3469311ee.html