【初中作文】My hometown——Quzhou

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My hometown——Quzhou

分类: 作文 > 英语作文 > 初中英语作文 > My hometown——Quzhou_我的家乡衢州作文英语作文

My hometownQuzhou_我的家乡衢州作文英语作文 I am so happy you are going to visit my hometown , Quzhou . Yes , Quzhou is a nice city . It has fresh air and clean water . If you go to Quzhou , you can go there in anytime . Because it is not very hot in summer , in winter is not very cold , in Spring is cool . In my opinion , I like summer , because you can go swimming in it . Also , there is many delicious food and many interesting places . Such as : Kongzis house , Sanqu mountion If you in Hangzhou , you can go Quzhou by car or bus . If you in Beijing , you can go there by train or plane . If you in US or England , you can by plane . In short , we gave a warm welcome to people all over the world . 版权作品,未经《第一文档网》书面授权,严禁转载,违者将被追究法律责任
