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1. He made another wonderful discovery___ of great importance to

science. (上海 1998

A. which I think is B. which I think it is C. which I think it D. I think which is

2. Mr. Anderson ______ I thought died three years ago is still living. A. who B. whom C. that D. which

3. The repair work of Angkor Watt ______would last at least ten years

was completed within eight years.

A. which people supposed B. which people supposed it C. which people supposed that is D. people supposed that 4. Mrs. Patti gave us another wonderful talk_____of great importance to our English study.

A. I think which is B. I think it is C. which I think is D. which I think it

5. Paula refused the invitation to David's party the next week _______

of course made him puzzled.

A. what B. where C. when D. which

6.Helen was much kinder to her youngest son than to the others____ of coursemade the others envy him.

A. who B. that C. what D. which 7________ that makes her different from the other students?

Honesty, hard work and, I suppose, a bit of imagination. AWhat do you know BWhat do you think it is CHow do you believe DHow come that 8. ________be sent to work there? (上海2002)

A. Who do you suggest B. Who do you suggest that should C. Do you suggest who should D. Do you suggest whom should 9. Does it matter much_____will be chosen to attend the opening


A. you think whoever B. who do you think

C. you think who D. who you think

10. -How do you ________ we go to Beijing for our holidays?

-I think we'd better fly there. It's much more comfortable. A. insist B. want C. suppose D. suggest

11Who do you ___ we send to cover the bank robbery.

A. know B. suggest C. think D. suppose

12Who do you suppose _________ turn to for help?

A. should we B. we should C. do we D. can we


1.A 2. A 3. A 4.C 5.D 6.D

7.解析:选B问句句意:你认为究竟是什么令她与其他同学不同呢?do you think为插入语,该句又是一个强调句式,故B项正确。

8. 解析:初看同学们会选择C。因为大家会认为这是宾语从句的一般疑问结构,但英语的语法习惯是特殊疑问词放在一般疑问结构之前,所以C是错误选项;第二个容易误选的是B.因为同学们会将本句还原成这样

I suggest that Tom should be sent to work there.然后向Tom提问自然就Who do you suggest that should be sent to work there?但我们知道who做特殊疑问词提问时,不能和that同时使用,如果去掉that,这个答案是可以成立的,因此正确的答案是A

有同学问道:但do you suggest是插入语吗


Who do you think you are= Who are you(插入语用在这样的句式中必须让主句用陈述语序)然而do you suggest略了,should就不能出现,自然就不能省略should,从而也不会出现be sent的结构了。那就必须改成:Who do you think will be sent to work there?或Who do you think was sent to work there

本题应该选什么呢?仅仅依靠我课上讲的关于do you think / suppose...作插入语的知识是不够的.现在提供下完整版的解释.

do you think / suppose /suggest / believe等所引导的宾语从句,如果其连接词是wh-类的词,英语语法上要求把这些wh-词置于do之前,而且这时的宾语从句不能再有其他连接词(既然是think / suppose / suggest的宾语从句,do you think以外的句子语序一定是陈述句语序了).

e.g. Where do you think most of the people live, in the central part of the country or on the coast?

What sort of people do you think travel on the Ghan train? Who do you think will take his place? When do you think he will start off?

现在有很多人认为这类句子中的do you think / suppose /suggest / believe并不是作插入语.因为它们影响了句子的语序.他们视之为混合疑问句


就把它叫作“混合疑问句”。 这种混合疑问句常用来征询对方对某一疑问题的判断看法和猜测等或请求对方对所述事情重说一遍。


9.B. do you think做插入语的结构?貌似名正言顺,实际上错啦!又被忽悠了


B种双重疑问即混合疑问的用法,一般是用于特殊疑问句,把特殊疑问句变成一个一般疑问句结构中的宾语。而这里who是一个疑问句的疑问词,而是一个语从句的引导词,从句后面是要陈述语气的,所以不适合这个用法。如果句子仅仅只 Who do you think will be chosen to attend the opening ceremony?这个部分的话,才是正确的。

D是:Does it matter much who (that) you think will be chosen to attend the opening ceremony?you think当成who的省略that的定语从句。

10.D 11.答案】B解析】考查动词辨析。根据从句中的时态,可只是个省略should的虚拟语气,故用suggest 12.【答案B
