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I hope our achievements will light up the whole summer. July, come on! 2、希望七月的晚风,可以吹来很多夏天的好消息。

I hope the late wind in July can bring a lot of good news in summer. 3、七月,不如认真多一点,赢一口袋开心。

In July, it's better to be more serious and win a pocket of happiness. 4、遇见七月,遇见更好的自己。 Meet July, meet a better self.


I hope the people you like and the things you expect will come in this July. 6、七月遇见好时光,把最好的幸福分享给你。

Meet a good time in July and share the best happiness with you. 7、七月你好,坏运气清零,好运加满。

Hello in July, the bad luck is cleared, the good luck is full. 8、活在这美好的世间,太阳强烈,水波温柔,七月,你好。

Living in this beautiful world, the sun is strong, the water is gentle, July, hello. 9、多多喜欢自己,多点开心和勇气,七月,加油! Like yourself a lot, have more fun and courage, July, come on! 10、你的名字这么好听,必须印在录取通知书上。

Your name is so beautiful that it must be printed on the admission notice.

11、七月你好,请对我这个小朋友好一点哦! Hello in July, please be nice to me, this little friend!

12、无论什么时候,都要做自己的太阳。七月,更努力一点,收获会更多一点。 No matter when, you should be your own sun. In July, work harder and gain more. 13、七月,别想太多,努力做好手头的事情,往后的日子才能慢慢好起来。 In July, don't think too much about it. Try to do what you are doing well. Only in the future can you get better. 14、力尽不知热,但惜夏日长。

I don't know the heat when I try, but I cherish the long summer.
