
时间:2022-04-22 02:00:09 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


Class _______ Name____________ No.________



( ) (1) A. window B. yellow C. snow D. now ( ) (2) A. floor B. flower C. flag D.fly ( ) (3) A. fruit B. friend C.from D.fridge ( ) (4) A. cow B. house C.our D.mouth

二.听录音,将所听到的单词的序号填入题前括号内。10分) 1. salty 2. sour 3. tasty 4. sweet 5. healthy 6. fresh ( ) (1) The pear is _________. ( ) (2) The orange is _______. ( ) (3) The chicken is________. ( ) (4) The cucumber is _______. ( ) (5) The pork is________. 三.听录音,连线。

Monday cabbage and mutton Tuesday tofu and beef

Wednesday fish and eggplant

Thursday chicken and green beans Friday tomatoes and pork

四.听录音,找答句,并在答案前标号。 ( ) We have tomatoes, tofu and fish. ( ) I like apples. They are sweet. ( ) I watch TV on Saturday. ( ) Yes, I can.

( ) I can cook the meals. 笔试部分


1Apotato B totama Csweet 2Atasty B lunch C fresh ( )3 A Tuesday B pork C mutton

( )4 A cook the meals B sweet the floor C Cabbage ( )5 A make the bed B set the table C helpful

二.用所给的词填空,组成与汉语意思相符的词组。 housework home make set wash

1.做家务 do_________ 2.洗衣服_________the clothes 3.摆饭桌________the table 4.在家里at______ 5.铺床 _______the bed 三.选择填空。

( ) 1. What __________the monkey do?

A. are B. can C. do D. cans ( ) 2. I can _____________the clothes.

A. put B. away C. put away D. \

( ) 3. -----Are you helpful at home? -----_______________. A. Yes, you can. B. Sure. C. Yes, you not D. No, you not.

( ) 4. Can you empty the trash?___________________. A. No, I can. B. Yes, I can’t. C. No, I can’t D. No, I can’t.

( ) 5. Is she in the kitchen?_________________. A. Yes, they are B. Yes, she is C. Yes, she can D. No, she is.

( ) 6. I can ____________a computer well. A. uses B. use C. to use D. using ( ) 7. Who ______________they?

A. be B. am C. is D. are ( ) 8. What can you_______________? A. do B. to C. are D. / ( ) 9. Can you do the ____________?

A. dish B. dishes C. dishes D. dishing

( ) 10. ------_______________ can make clothes?--My mother can. A. Who B. What C. Where D. Whose 四.将问句与答语连接起来。

1. What can you do? A. She can water the plants. 2. What can Sarah do? B. Fish.

3. Can you use a computer? C. No, I can’t.

4. Can you wash the clothes? D. Yes, I can. I’m a computer. 5. What’s you favourite food? E. I can wash the clothes. 五.连词组句。

1. can What do ? You

___________________________________________________ 2. tofu fish have We and .

___________________________________________________ 3. you the Can water flowers ?

____________________________________________________ 4. food favourite What’s your ?

_____________________________________________________ 5. do have you What for on Monday lunch ?



My name is Ann. I have a happy family. We share the housework. My father Can cook the meals. My mother can wash the clothes. I can put away the clothes. My sister can do the dishes. My brother can make the bed. 1. What can Ann do? She can_____

A. share the housework B. cook the meals C. put the clothes. 2. Can her father cook the meals? ---_____. A. Yes, he can. B. No, he can’t C. Yes, he can’t. 3. What can her mother do? She can_______.

A. wash the clothes B. put away the clothes C. make the bed 4. What can her sister do? She can_______.

A. make the bed B. cook the meals C. put away the clothes 5. There are _____people in Ann’s family. A. three B. four C. five
