
时间:2022-05-02 16:37:27 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

The sunflowers are the subject of a series of still life paintings executed in oil on canvas by the Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh.The petals are shiny golden like the sunshine.The stamens are as fire,or fire ball.Van Gogh pursues the expressive of lines and color use,stick and recklessly.The thick brush makes the picture like a sculpture.Brilliant yellow color with the whole picture,causing the people of great spiritual exciting.

Van Gogh began painting the sunflowers which have been duplicated many times by various artists and displayed everywhere in late summer 1888 and continued into the following year in France.The paintings show sunflowers in all stages of life, from fully in bloom to withering.The paintings were innovative for their use of the yellow spectrum, partly because newly invented pigments made new colours possible. In a letter to his brother Theo, van Gogh wrote: the sunflower is mine in a way.

In short,His sunflower is not only a plant,but the living organism with enthusiasm and primitive impulse,twingking like the burning flame.The sunflower in Van Gogh’s paintings represents ideas of the sun and hope. Though one has ups and downs to face down the road, his love for life is hard to fade away. That the golden color of the sunshine keeps popping up before my eyes is an indication that van Gogh's "Sunflowers" speaks for what I have been unable to bring out from my heart.
