关于导致的英语短语 导致 result in 导致 lead to 导致 bring about 导致 give rise to 导致导致 cause ; bring aboutcause 扶持导致 support-led 导致意外 cause an accident ; 导致上 result on ; lead on 导致促成 make for 导致失败 lead to failure 能够导致 can lead to ; could cause cause 但不应该预订生产单元中的通知,因为这会导致来自“所有”服务器的“所有”通知都被发送到部署管理器。 This should not be done in a production cell, as it causes ALL notifications from ALL servers tobe sent to the deployment manager. 但是它们的存在不会导致任何问题。 However, their presence does not cause any problems. 所有这些导致如今的过剩。 All this caused the current excess. 这个会议会导致迎接下一个冲刺阶段所做工作的一些转变,因为他们会不断工作以提高团队的实践效率。 This meeting should result in some change in how they work for the coming sprints, becausethey work to continually improve their team and practice effectiveness. 如果你已目睹了或经历过的任何类型的暴力的事件,不谈论它能建立内在的感情和导致问题。 If you've witnessed or experienced violence of any kind, not talking about it can make feelingsbuild up inside and cause problems. 这可能导致巨大的压力,但是不要害怕! This can lead to significant distress, but have no fear! 例如,如果每个活动参与自己的事务,则从一个活动到另一个活动的转换可能导致产生导航消息。 For example, the transition from one activity to another may lead to a navigational message, ifeach activity participates in its own transaction. 但这些变化并不总是会导致白内障。 But the changes do not always lead to cataracts. 脚踝扭伤大多数是由扭动或者转动你的脚踝引起的,并且导致脚踝的周围和上面的肿胀和疼痛。 Ankle sprains are often caused by the twisting or rolling of your ankle and result in swelling andpain above and around the ankle. 但是,任何一种行动,无论是以色列的还是巴勒斯坦人的,假如导致无辜平民死亡,按照我的定义来说就是恐怖主义。 But any act, any act by Israelis or Palestinians that causes deaths of innocent civilians in my opinion, in my definition is an act of terrorism. 这种情况发展下去往往导致双方失望透顶并伤害到之前已经建立的关系。 This type of situation may lead to massive disappointment for both of you and injure what youhave. 但是所有客户端都将依赖于一个服务,这就将导致一个非常高度的耦合。 But all clients would depend on that one service, which would result in a very high degree ofcoupling. 她发现,这一过程最终导致了一种不对称,即其激励细胞沿着这种流动方向迁移。 She found that this process ultimately results in an asymmetry that stimulates cells to migrate inthe direction of the flow. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/becfe35332b765ce0508763231126edb6e1a7659.html