英语语法学习总结|英语的“因果”表达式 英语中表示“因果”关系的手法比较丰富。 一、动词 A. 下列动词和短语动词后面跟“结果”: cause, bring about, lead to, result in, contribute to, give rise/birth to, account for 例如: 1. What brought about the change in his attitude? 什么让他改变了态度? 2. Differences in attitudes towards slavery resulted in war. 对奴隶制的不同态度最终导致战争。 3. The German conquest led to old English replacing Celtic. 日耳曼的占领导致古英语替代了凯尔特语。 4. The bad weather accounted for the delay of the flight. 糟糕的天气导致航班的延误。 B. 下列短语动词后面跟“原因”: result from, arise from, originate in 例如: 1. The country's presenet difficulties arise from the reduced value of its money. 该国目前的困难起因于其货币的贬值。 2. The quarrel originated in misunderstanding. 争吵由误会引起。 二、短语介词 下列短语介词后面跟“原因”: because of, due to, owing to, thanks to, on account of, by virtue of, as a result/consequence of, out of 例如: 1. The manager had to step down on account of poor health. 那位经理由于身体不好只得辞职不干。 2. He had won the game by virtue of his strength of will. 他靠意志力赢了那场比赛。 3. Her hair started falling out as a result of radiation treatment. 由于放疗,她开始掉头发。 4. They would jump up and run miles just to see what was up out of curiosity. 它们会跳将起来,跑上好几英里,只是由于好奇想要看看发生了什么事情。 三、介词 from, with, for, of 例如: 1. She felt sick from tiredness. 她因劳累而不适。 2. Her face turned red with embarrassment. 她难为情得脸红了。 3. He got an award for his bravery. 他因英勇而受奖。 4. We are proud of your bravery. 我们因你的英勇而自豪。 四、连词、副词 A. 表“因”连词 because, for, since, as, now that, in that, in case 例如: 1. Chinese differs from western languages in that it uses characters instead of letters. 中文不同于西方语言是因为她使用方块字而不是字母。 2. When going white-water rafting, you'd better wear a helmet and a life jacket in case you fall into the water. 白浪漂流时,最好戴头盔、穿救生衣,因为你可能会落水。 B. 表“果”连词 so,so/such ... that ... (例句略) C. 表“果”副词,介词短语 therefore, thus, as a result/consequence (例句略) 五、语法结构 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/761aa209b7daa58da0116c175f0e7cd184251831.html